Bantam chicken egg production?

How has the brahma been doing with winter? Are you still getting egg production? I just need *one* to give me breakfast through winter 😆 (has to be bantam though!)
Brahma's have being doing great, but honestly, all 3 breeds are doing well. Egg production from the entire flock (19 hens) is now averaging 10 eggs per day, sometimes I get 9 and sometimes I get 11.
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Having raised bantams in the past I do know that 1.The eggs taste exactly like regular full sized chicken eggs. And 2.Some breeds do lay better than others. They are bigger than quail eggs but definitely smaller than a full sized chicken egg. I typically eat 2 full sized chicken eggs per day, but when I'm eating bantam eggs I have three.
in bantams, but not all bantams broody the same. lol
My personal breed information: Easter Egger bantams (EEB) were pretty good layers, usually 3-4 eggs a week, as well as my Mille fleur d'uccles, also 3-4 eggs a week. Typical bantam sized eggs. But both breeds did slow down a good bit during the winter months.
Thank you for the information on the bantams you've had experience with!

I'm currently raising 3 different bantam breeds.
1. Buff Brahma's
2. Rhode Island Reds
3. Barred Rocks
My hope is that by this time next year I will be able to have and share some good reliable egg stats for those breeds.
Best of luck with raising the new breeds! How exciting!

Thank you for your response to this rather inactive thread!
Yeah, maybe a smidge larger than typical bantam? They're pretty round too.

When a 6 are laying, I get between 3 and 6 a day, usually 4-5. So 4 or 5 days a week per bird usually? It really is a lot of eggs for that group. If you miss a day or two, it's easy to get over run
Thank you for your information on Cornish bantams!! Your chickens are adorable!

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