BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate the suggestion. We've done all we can. The issue seems to not truly be an impaction, but the food that goes in just sits. It's now like a doughy paste and will not move. We massage and push as much through as we can, but the crop refuses to function. Every time this has happened in the past, it is right before the bird passes. The crop is only a symptom of what is happening in the body so when the body begins its downhill slide, the crop may be one of the first things you see go wrong, certainly the most visible. He is drinking a lot, but he is sleeping a lot now so I think we'll lose my sweet Xander. I looked up his age and he will be 4 yrs about March 1, so he's older than I remembered.
Best wishes for your ailing girl. sorry that your Xander is till struggling
He is one handsome boy! I lost my house hen Peep just 2 weeks ago and her crop slowed down as well as sleeping a lot before she passed.
She was 3 1/2 years old. Hoping for a huge turn around for your boy!
Hi everyone. I have a BC roo that I've always been curious about. He was from a BBS hatch of shipped eggs.. but as he matured he got all this silver leakage around the hackles. I think he's beautiful! But is he still considered black? Or...?
I wondered that too! But the eggs were marketed as bbs. I thought birchen was a pattern to its own so didn't think that was possible.. but I guess something happened somewhere :idunno sorry that your Xander is till struggling
He is one handsome boy! I lost my house hen Peep just 2 weeks ago and her crop slowed down as well as sleeping a lot before she passed.
She was 3 1/2 years old. Hoping for a huge turn around for your boy!
So sorry about your Peep. Xander's crop is down a bit today and he's still on his feet but sleeping a lot.

Hi everyone. I have a BC roo that I've always been curious about. He was from a BBS hatch of shipped eggs.. but as he matured he got all this silver leakage around the hackles. I think he's beautiful! But is he still considered black? Or...?
I think he looks Birchen, not black, but mainly because the "leakage" is all in the hackle area. Could be wrong, though. I had a black Ameraucana whose base color showed through in various places. Such a cutie!
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Maybe they had birchen also and the eggs got mixed up

Could be. It happens often. Happened with the last batch of Brahma eggs I had. Though I knew I had both colors in there, the Dark and the Partridge, one was marked as the other, which did not matter since I wanted both, but I didn't realize it until later because they are so similar as youngsters.
So sorry about your Peep. Xander's crop is down a bit today and he's still on his feet but sleeping a lot.

I think he looks Birchen, not black, but mainly because the "leakage" is all in the hackle area. Could be wrong, though. I had a black Ameraucana whose base color showed through in various places. Such a cutie!

Thank you for the kind words
We are missing her so much
Glad to hear your Xanders crop is going down. Hopefully he eats and gets his strength up
Especially since there aren't any other indicators of illness! Still hoping for a turn around for him and you!!!!

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