Bantam Identification


5 Years
Feb 23, 2019
South Coast, MA
Hi there! I bought these Bantams from a mixed bin and was just looking to get help identifying breed and gender. They're about 5 weeks old now. Thanks!


1 and 4 look like males to me. I'm not sure about gender for 2 and 3.

1 looks like a Porcelain d'Uccle except that it has no muffs. Or like a Cochin, except that I don't think Cochins come in that color. I'm guessing poor-quality Porcelain d'Uccle.

2 looks like a Gold Laced Wyandotte, although it has very heavy black lacing and very little gold. The lacing might look better as it grows older. (This is the only chick where I am certain of the breed at this time.)

3 has the Columbian color pattern. If it has feathered feet, it might be Light Brahma. If it has clean feet, it might be Columbian Wyandotte. I cannot tell whether it has a pea comb (right for Brahma) or a single comb (wrong for Wyandotte but sometimes happens anyway). It does not have a rose comb (right for Wyandotte.)

4 might be a Mille Fleur d'Uccle, or maybe a Buff Columbian Cochin. D'Uccles are supposed to have muffs on the face, and Mille Fleur would have white dots on the feather tips (but they often appear at a later age, not right away.) Cochins tend to be more round and fluffy, and I think are less likely to come in that color. So I'm not really sure which it is.

The breeds and genders will become more obvious as the chicks continue to grow older.
1 and 4 look like males to me. I'm not sure about gender for 2 and 3.

1 looks like a Porcelain d'Uccle except that it has no muffs. Or like a Cochin, except that I don't think Cochins come in that color. I'm guessing poor-quality Porcelain d'Uccle.

2 looks like a Gold Laced Wyandotte, although it has very heavy black lacing and very little gold. The lacing might look better as it grows older. (This is the only chick where I am certain of the breed at this time.)

3 has the Columbian color pattern. If it has feathered feet, it might be Light Brahma. If it has clean feet, it might be Columbian Wyandotte. I cannot tell whether it has a pea comb (right for Brahma) or a single comb (wrong for Wyandotte but sometimes happens anyway). It does not have a rose comb (right for Wyandotte.)

4 might be a Mille Fleur d'Uccle, or maybe a Buff Columbian Cochin. D'Uccles are supposed to have muffs on the face, and Mille Fleur would have white dots on the feather tips (but they often appear at a later age, not right away.) Cochins tend to be more round and fluffy, and I think are less likely to come in that color. So I'm not really sure which it is.

The breeds and genders will become more obvious as the chicks continue to grow older.
Thanks so much! #3 does have feathered feet, I should have included that in the picture. Figured #4 was a roo, still hoping #1 is a hen but oh well 😅

They're from TSC so not surprised if they're poor quality for their breed 🤷‍♀️
Thanks so much! #3 does have feathered feet, I should have included that in the picture.
With feathered feed, #3 is probably a Light Brahma.
There is a chance it could be a Columbian Cochin, depending on comb type (single comb for Cochin, pea comb for Brahma), but I'm pretty sure Brahmas are more common than that color Cochin.

Figured #4 was a roo, still hoping #1 is a hen but oh well 😅
I'm fairly sure #1 is a male as well, given how big and red the comb & wattles are.

They're from TSC so not surprised if they're poor quality for their breed 🤷‍♀️
Yes, that does happen sometimes. It just makes them a bit harder to identify ;)

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