bantam mille fleur cochins -- update pics


Cracked Egghead
12 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Lebanon, TN
Well, I took another zillion pics of birds today.

Here are update pics of the bantam mf cochins. They were hatched roughly 7/1/08, so they are about 13 weeks old, more or less.

You can click on each small pic to see a larger version of that pic.

I think the small pullet is developing the most "proper" mille fleur markings. Tell me what you think!
They look great. I would get on the Cochins International forum and see what they think and what suggestions they have for improving type and color. That is if you are going to work on them (and I think you should
They are pretty. Is this a project that you started? If so what color cochin did you use and how many generations? Which was the Mille Fleur, the roo or hen?
Thanks guys!

I can not claim ANY credit for these guys, except for the food that went into growing the feathers.
I got them from Adam, and he got them from Mike Vogan. Mike's the one who did the hard part!

Somewhere on these forums there's a discussion about the genetics involved in creating mille fleur. I forget exactly, but I believe I remember that it's mottled plus Columbian, plus something else that I've forgotten. If somebody here knows the whole combo, please remind me!
So is mine! he drags his little wing, does his little dance, and jumps up on the wire when he is "safe" between a few layers of wire. He has learned not to be so cocky when his door is open and I am reaching in there, but he sure would like to.
Fortunately, my guy is not spontaneously aggressive towards me -- but if I upset one of His Girls, he's gonna read me the riot act!

I've been hand-feeding mealworms to these guys to tame them. The problem is -- I have to physically hold the roo back, or he'll steal the ones I'm trying to feed to the girls! If I have a girl held up in one hand, feeding her a mealworm with the other hand, he'll jump up as high as he can trying to snatch the mealworm away from me. He's a stinker!

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