"Bantam Standard" Revisions and Previous Editions?


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Rockford MI
My Coop
My Coop
I see copies of the previous editions of Bantam Standard available for much less. Is there somewhere I can see what changes were made for each edition/revision? I was looking at getting a 2006 edition and wondered if it would be okay for bantam cochins, silkies and seramas. Also the newest 2011 edition says it is in color - what year did that start? I'd much rather have one with colored illustrations than B&W...
I see copies of the previous editions of Bantam Standard available for much less. Is there somewhere I can see what changes were made for each edition/revision? I was looking at getting a 2006 edition and wondered if it would be okay for bantam cochins, silkies and seramas. Also the newest 2011 edition says it is in color - what year did that start? I'd much rather have one with colored illustrations than B&W...
American serama (white) were added last year; self blue was also recognised for silkies in 2011. I don't think there were any cochin changes.

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