
not totally positive, but my cochin bantams where always super quiet. even they boys were quieter than the rest of the boys, but one still had a loud crow, and the other was about as loud as a hen. super friendly birds too! so cuddly!
the males are as loud as any other roo i have, and females seem pretty normal for sound too. not very loud in my experience. Why do you need quiet birds?
A normal chicken is usually pretty quiet. I never hear the hens except when they lay an egg. A chicken will get quite loud while they sing the egg song to announce their accomplishment. It usually only lasts a few minutes at most, more normally like 30 seconds. I have had 2 hens who where oddly loud, but just rehome it if you happen to end up with a really loud one. And of don't get a rooster. also don't get ducks...the females are really loud :)
I have raised some ducks and they stay in our pond. I am gonna raise some silkies soon. Thank you!

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