Banty Rooster came to live with me-Know nothing about chickens!

G'Day from down under HayGirlitsMe :frow Welcome!

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Yes, it is leg mites. He has been medicated and I am having good luck with daily coating of Vaseline. Already in 4 days his claws are improving as the scales fall off and apparently the Vaseline not only softens up the scales but also suffocates the mites. He's in my utility room (tile floor) in a very large kennel and I'm changing his blanket & towels daily so as to keep the infestation aspect down.
Perfect! Instructions I can follow! I've heard conflicting stories about what to treat his shed area with to get rid of the bugs. It's a 2 stall horse shelter that I enclosed the open end, added a door so he has a pretty big covered and protected playground. It's on dirt so I don't want to add anything to the ground that would harm him when I do rehouse him to this area.
Dear Farmer Connie - I have been calling dirt and mulch yards around Houston Texas for "sugar sand" and coming up empty handed. Would sugar sand be the same as "masonry sand" which is the very fine whiteish sand? If so then I know where to get this.

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