Barn Trouble (Horse People Please Post) -Update on Page 6-

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Sure is a hot one out there! Hope everyone's horses have a nice, shady spot to nap out the afternoon, and a cool sip of water. Yep, sure is a hot one
WOW, 103* don't even know what the numbers are here,but I'm about to go 'pre-cool' my car before loading up the dogs for work. Hope y'all stay nice and cool this afternoon. Peace out!
You know though? The two people in a barn conflict always see what's going on very, very differently. You always get a totally different version from both people. You see how each person sees it.

That in a nutsehell is the whole problem. He would give his side, it would sound wonderful...and if he's got an audience of barrel racers, they'll all sit there and go 'yay, hear, hear, go git 'em, Gus!' That's why you have to just pack up and go - there's no solving it. He's almost 70. He was born in 1941. You think he's going to change how he acts with people at this point?

I think that it works out most often if people are with a group of people like them. Same age, same riding style, and have the same ideas about horse care, like the rules that are there, and like how things are done, how to talk to each other. They tend to believe the same things about feeding, turnout, management, barn rules, tack, bitting, training, blanketing, etc. There are 'no children allowed' barns and 'no rules' barns and and 'no dogs' barns, and 'no show rider' barns, and 'no teenager' barns. Everyone can find what they want.

Ok, so I read the mustang thread. I don't agree with either side of that discussion(ducks and runs).

One side was that mustangs are 'all crazy', bad conformation. Based on one horse, one incident. The other side was almost down the road of 'Mustangs are so wonderful and perfect, they can do anything!'

I don't agree that 'you can't train that instinct out of them'. They are from domestic horse breeds, they don't have any instincts other horses don't also have. I think any horse will take off like described in the story. Even very quiet gentle horses do sometimes.

They are domesticated horses that have been turned out. Draft, ranch horses, etc. A lot of them look like a draft-Foundation type Quarter horse cross. But they vary. Lighter, heavier, smaller, taller.

We've had three right around here, all different as night and day.

It seems the ones that were brought in and started training young turn out quite steady. The older ones, worked with less...n...not so much.

Conformation. Conformation for what? They have bred randomly for a long, long time - quarter horse with draft, western chunk with this, that, it's random. So I don't judge their conformation like I would a dressage horse or eventer or a show hunter or a WP horse.

In America, most people event or do dressage at a very low level. There's no point in going over their horse's conformation with a fine tooth comb and getting fussy.

Almost any horse of any conformation will be a fun, family horse and do a little bit of this and that. Most people who ride are not die hards looking for a super horse. They want to have fun. What they get, they are gonna love and that's going to be the right horse for them. A little local show, a little penning, a little trail riding, that's it, they're happy. Just about any horse they like and get on with is just fine.
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I don't get it? I envy English riders. The amount of leg-strength they have is absolutely amazing to me. Why would anyone put down another person's riding style?

I just can't understand it...maybe one day I'll be able to wrap my mind around it.
I think dressage takes the most muscle, but it's a different kind of 'strength'.

Every riding style has something good going for it. I like all horse breeds and types of riding.

I would say the Olympic disciplines are the toughest.

Most dangerous? For me, Combined driving....Good lord! But eventing is right up there too.
Wow this sure bounces topics huh???? This is up in the running for the most hijacked thread... What was the topic again tinted? Maybe the moderators will close the topic since it seems to have run the course... Another thread could be started about horse disciplines.
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