Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed


I don't know his BYC handle off the top of my head but if you find our lovely geebs here on BYC she can get you in touch with him. Most often you can find geebs in the Marans thread or the Black Copper Marans thread.
Andy has wonderful birds and I will tell you that this boy that you got is packing some FABULOUS genes! He looks almost identical to my pure Johan roo. LOVELY!!!!! Bravo!

I also have 6 Barnie girls from Andy, from his two different breeding pens. As well as two pure Johan girls (from Johan) that are a bit younger than Andy's. Hopefully I will get some nice chicks in the Spring. I will have to take some pics of the girls and put them up as well. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate the response.

I am so completely inlove with my Barnies that I have found myself pondering giving up my Welsummers to only breed Barnies and Marans. For me to give up my Wellies says a ton about these Barnies.
I am looking forward to getting some more eggs from Johan this spring. I have 3 new gals added to the pen this year, the only pullet hatched from eggs from Johan this year and then 2 gals that I hatched from my breeding pair. I also have eggs in lockdown set for hatch tomorrow. Pretty good, I set 6 eggs and all 6 are in lockdown.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you can't give up your wellies!!!!!

How are the barnie girls laying Kim? My 2 pullets are laying pretty well, even with the poor light conditions.
My 3 girls from Trisha are 29 weeks yesterday and still no eggs... Days are short here in Maine this time of year... Especially now - should be dark by 5:00pm tonight...
Notice I said pondering...I still have them. Well I have Odin and 3 girls. I would never completely get rid of them Kelly...I would just hold off on serious breeding, but LOL, I have 6 eggs in lockdown with the Barnie eggs. Besides, I'm a waitin on some Moose babies lady!!!!!
Notice I said pondering...I still have them. Well I have Odin and 3 girls. I would never completely get rid of them Kelly...I would just hold off on serious breeding, but LOL, I have 6 eggs in lockdown with the Barnie eggs. Besides, I'm a waitin on some Moose babies lady!!!!!

And you'll have LOTS of them! Just consider that ponderin'
outta you!
Andy has wonderful birds and I will tell you that this boy that you got is packing some FABULOUS genes! He looks almost identical to my pure Johan roo. LOVELY!!!!! Bravo!

I also have 6 Barnie girls from Andy, from his two different breeding pens. As well as two pure Johan girls (from Johan) that are a bit younger than Andy's. Hopefully I will get some nice chicks in the Spring. I will have to take some pics of the girls and put them up as well. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate the response.

I'd love to see the egg color as well as the pullets.
ohhhh and how are they laying, you ask?????

Well..... you know those 6 eggs in the 'bator??? I reckon it's been about 21 days or so, 'cause I haven't seen one since.

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