Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

What???????? You're not?????????
Hey Kim. Thanks. I looked up some pics and that's exactly what I assumed - almost the same but double laced! Very cool... Hope you are doing well this Spring. Anything 'new' in the works for you this year? We had practically no winter here in Maine this year - although snow coming in tonight!
DUDE. That is so awesome Trisha.
I haven't posted anything here yet since I'm a total noob but I have been lurking and I read the whole thread. I am excited about these silvers; I was totally floored when I saw pictures of the silver Dutch Barnevelders on Feathersite. Those were the prettiest chickens I'd ever seen! So yeah, what breed will go into this project? Silver pencilled 'dottes or laced? Or something I don't even know about?
I heard that it's best to use silver pencilled breed (single combed) rather than silver laced to introduce the silver gene. I think I'm going to use all three of my lines creating them. The cornevelders have the great lacing / egg color and if I also use my blue hens in the first cross I could work on Blue Silver barnevelders at the same time.

The egg color will remain the biggest challenge, but I'm willing to try:) I also may have to cross back and repeat the process a several times to finally get what I want.

OMG!!!! The pic of the silver Dutch Barnevelders on that website is wonderful
! I want some!!!! Of course there is a difference in what you want and what you can get, but I wonder if I throw a temper tantrum with DH he would give in and build yet another coop, LOL

You have to post pics as they grow up! Also, do you have pics of your splash? I would love to see her coloring now!
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I used a blue Plymouth rock male in my silver project. It doesn't matter if the silver gene comes with penciling or not since the Barnevelder brings the pattern gene to the cross. I was able to introduce both silver and blue in one cross since the blue rocks have the silver gene. The F1 from my silver Barnie project is solid colored hens and roosters both blue and black. To get a blue laced line I will put a Male Barnie on the F1 pullets and to get the silver gene I will use an F1 roo on Barnie hens. Getting rid of the reddish tint that I see in some of the blues may be a bit of an issue with the silvers. Should know by summer.

What???????? You're not?????????
Hey Kim. Thanks. I looked up some pics and that's exactly what I assumed - almost the same but double laced! Very cool... Hope you are doing well this Spring. Anything 'new' in the works for you this year? We had practically no winter here in Maine this year - although snow coming in tonight!

I'll let Trisha and Andy do the hard work and then one day I will get eggs from both of them.

Wait....Andy lives pretty close...maybe I will just sneak on down his way and see what blue things he has running around in his yard he won't miss too much...

OH... I sooooo hear ya when you mention the Blue Laced Silvers! This is my dream bird!!!!! Talk about something that would definitely be a MUST HAVE to go along with my blues collection.

The only thing new this year will be the next cross of my Blue Laced Barnie project and Blue Birchen Marans.....and I am currently sitting on my hands patiently awaiting Welsummer eggs from Happy Chooks. Will resume breeding Wellies once I have a nice male and I am hoping for one out of the girls that Kelly hatched out of my eggs crossed back to her Moose. Keep your fingers crossed! I have been missing my Wellie boy around here something fierce.

Snowing here today and has been for the last week but it is the kind of snow that falls and melts an hour later, snows again and melts again.....................but it is beautiful.
Okay so here is my updates.

I found a wonderful home for my Roo, Stormy, he was supposed to go to his new home on Valentine’s day. Then the day before, I got home and went to do the feeding and watering and he was dead. I don’t know how or why, thought it might be snakes, he was totally fine the day before that. I was so upset!

Now, I am down to 1 Roo and 4 Hens. Of those 4, 3 are Barnies but only 1 is even remotely good enough to breed. 1 of the “Barnies” looks a LOT like a very poorly breed Welsummer. The other hen is a Barred Plymouth Rock. So that brings me to my next “project”, this is just for fun but I want BarneBars. The reasoning is twofold, one they are “Auto sexing” not “Sex Linked” so I should always be able to tell boys from girls upon hatching. Next, their colors are not the prettiest but still pretty neat and I think they would blend in well where I live in the TX hill country. Which should mean better predator protection. I have read that they do lay a dark brown egg and are also very friendly. Finally, I think my main reason is I love my BPR she is the best and I just want some of her babies and this is my excuse LOL! Anyone have any experiance with BarneBars?

Below is a pic of my best Barnie girl (Left) named Bella (again not saying is perfect, just the best I have) and my worst Barnie girl (Right) appropriately named Shaggy. The one in the background is my first Barnie "Charlie" (thought she was a roo). Lucy, BPR, is of course not in this shot. You know you don't have enough chickens if all of them have names and you can tell the difference between ALL of them in a split second. The second pic is a slightly better one of Bella.
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