Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Happy Chooks~ Here are your eggies.....I am getting ready to package them right now. I hope they have a safe journey and that you have a great hatch!

I had to use the flash in the house tonight as it is snowy and dark out tonight.
I have 10 bantam barnevelder chicks and I was wanting some opinions on them. I don't have much experience with this breed so I don't know what to look for in a good quality bird. They are 8 weeks so it's a little early to make any really solid decisions. Out of the 10 chicks, only 3 turned out to be pullets.

When looking for a good SQ barnevelder, what do you look for in the coloration, leg color, body shape, ect. Out of the 7 cockerels, I need to pick one to keep and I don't know what to look for.

Here are the 3 pullets.
Pullet #1

Pullet #2

Pullet #3

Here is a pic of a pullet #3 next to one of the cockerels

Here's some pics showing the variety of colors in the cockerels. Some are mostly black and others have quite a bit of lacing.
I don't have any bantams, but I like the first pullet the best
. She looks like she's going to have nice lacing, has a nice body and really nice shaped head. The last pullet's lacing looks a little to "mossy" to me when compared to the other two. The darker cockerels with less red would probably produce better marked pullets.

Ok...I started a new project.....Silver Barnevelders
Been dreaming about these guys since I first saw them, so here I go:) If all goes well I'll have the first F1's this fall and about 3 generations later I should start to see some good looking birds. Egg color will be the biggest challenge of course. The blues have come a long way as the original hens laid near cream colored eggs. My blue pullet is laying just about as dark as my pure hens, but even bigger eggs.


Eggs going into my bator tomorrow: The pic was taken with flash, so the color is a bit washed out from what they look like in person.

Far Left two rows: Cornevelder project. Middle four eggs: blue laced pullet. Right two rows pure Barnevelder eggs x Blue project roo. Far Right: silver based eggs ( I need a roo

What breed is providing the Silver?
Will you be using Cornvelders, Barnevelders and Bluevelders? or just Barnies?
Do you have a picture you could post showing what you are going for? Sounds amazing! These I will definitely want someday - I have been admiring Silver Ameraucanas lately!
Love the color tones of the grey, and warm browns etc...

Hi Steve! I'm not Trisha...... but if I were going to start the silver project like I was going to and have since decided not too, I was going to use a Silver Laced Wyandotte for borrowing the silver. Trisha will do an excellent job with this cross in and the Silver Laced Barnies are just as striking as the regular Barnies.

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