Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

They are growing - 12 days old now.

These ones I'm thinking are probably girls.

And these are the ones that are either probably boys or still too hard to tell.

What do you think?

Obviously I'm going to have a few boys to choose from. How old are they before you can really tell who is the best in terms of type and color in order to decide which roos to sell or cull?

Thanks! :)
Okay, so i have a Silver Penciled Plymouth that has gone broody 3 times so far. She would puff up at me and grip when I checked for eggs under her, no big deal.

WELL today one of my Trisha girls went broody and OMG now I know what everyone means when they say "Velociraptor"!!!! She pecked me super hard, SCREAMED at me and got huge, I pulled her out to get the eggs and I have never seen such a P'OD hen.

So now what should I do.....LOL! I was not going to put any eggs under my SPR girl, because I am just not sure she will make a good mom, but this girl is a whole other story. I am thinking I just might give a broody a go, if she sticks to the nest for the next 3 days. Was not planning on hatching anything this year, but how can I pass this up!!!!
Never mind, it was not a Trisha baby. Went to take a pic and realized the lacing was just not as clean. It is my lone hatchery girl. Here she is all mad

Lucky you!

I have a Barnie girl that is plucking her belly, but she's not broody yet. I also have an English Orp that is totally bare from her crop to between her legs, but not broody. They are teasing me. If that English Orp goes broody, I could fit a crapload of eggs under her.
Lucky you!

I have a Barnie girl that is plucking her belly, but she's not broody yet. I also have an English Orp that is totally bare from her crop to between her legs, but not broody. They are teasing me. If that English Orp goes broody, I could fit a crapload of eggs under her.

LOL, gotta love those Orps
Quote: Yeah, not that I need that many chicks. With my last 2 hatches, I have more babies than I do adults. But I would stick more eggs under a broody.
(wouldn't want them to not be mommies) And she's HUGE. I have 2 English Orps and my youngest son calls them "The Fat Girls". I could probably easily fit 2 dozen eggs under her.
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I have a set of broody sisters that are doing an EXCELLENT job with their new chicks. OMG, I had no idea they would be so good at it! they were never the ones to stand up for themselves, but you should see them go ninja smackdown on the other chickens that dare to get too close to their babies! so friggin adorable...they have paired up to raise their 7 huddles down to provide the babies warmth and the other shows them how to eat and where the water is.

I love watching broodies (once they have their chicks...they are pretty boring when they are just setting...LOL)

And no, they are not all barnevelder chicks: There are two Barnies (girls, I think) 3 Maradunna basque, a Silver sussex and a male Rhodebar
I think Allison is a boy...And Alex may be a girl. I clipped the tips off of one wing on my suspected boys just to see if the white breast thing worked, so far, if the breast is ALL the way white though to the legs it seems to be 100%, but if it stops at the bottom of the neck it is more dicey. They all gray seems to bee 100% for girl though. Darn those undecided chicks!
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Hi there,

I have 1 Barnevelder chick who is 9.5 weeks old. I hope it's ok for me to post here, but I thought I'd ask the experts: is Neil Patrick Harris a roo?

9.5 weeks? I think it's a Nelly Patricia, you should see more comb if it is a roo by now. There is no mistaking mine when they hit about 6 weeks as to what was what and who was who.
She is VERY dark, where is she from?

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