Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

I need a lot of help...for my son!!! He is joining 4h this year and is able to compete. He has chosen a few breeds that he wants in his own flock. Barnevelder is one of them. I understand that the color that he wants is not cheap. Either way I need to find a few of the black and silver/white ones. I did not know that they existed. I have been used to black and brown. This is my eight year old's preference. We are looking to purchase in the spring. He will be gathering materials and raising money to build his coop and purchase his birds. If you can help in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to PM me. Thank you all!
I need a lot of help...for my son!!! He is joining 4h this year and is able to compete. He has chosen a few breeds that he wants in his own flock. Barnevelder is one of them. I understand that the color that he wants is not cheap. Either way I need to find a few of the black and silver/white ones. I did not know that they existed. I have been used to black and brown. This is my eight year old's preference. We are looking to purchase in the spring. He will be gathering materials and raising money to build his coop and purchase his birds. If you can help in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to PM me. Thank you all!
I don't blame your son for wanting the beautiful Silver Barnevelder, but after my own research I think you are going to have two problems. First, it is my understanding that they are not an accepted variety by the APA, so he will not be able to show them. Second, does he want bantam or large fowl? If he wants large fowl, no one in the US has good quality birds for sale yet; they are still in the project/development stage working toward creating a pure bird. If he wants bantams, check out Greenfire Farms offers bantam chicks for sale on that website from time to time.
I don't blame your son for wanting the beautiful Silver Barnevelder, but after my own research I think you are going to have two problems. First, it is my understanding that they are not an accepted variety by the APA, so he will not be able to show them. Second, does he want bantam or large fowl? If he wants large fowl, no one in the US has good quality birds for sale yet; they are still in the project/development stage working toward creating a pure bird. If he wants bantams, check out Greenfire Farms offers bantam chicks for sale on that website from time to time.
Thank you for the info. I will explain it to him. I had seen the ones at Greenfire. I am not sure where he learned about them. He will probably have to settle for something else or the bantam. Thanks again.
I don't blame your son for wanting the beautiful Silver Barnevelder, but after my own research I think you are going to have two problems. First, it is my understanding that they are not an accepted variety by the APA, so he will not be able to show them. Second, does he want bantam or large fowl? If he wants large fowl, no one in the US has good quality birds for sale yet; they are still in the project/development stage working toward creating a pure bird. If he wants bantams, check out Greenfire Farms offers bantam chicks for sale on that website from time to time.
Thank you for the info. I will explain it to him. I had seen the ones at Greenfire. I am not sure where he learned about them. He will probably have to settle for something else or the bantam. Thanks again.

He can probably show just about anything in 4-h especially in just showmanship. He also could show large fowl silvers at APA shows, but as a "non- standard color" they would just be competing against themselves. So, like Blues the silvers will only be able to place " best of variety" and not place above Barnevelders of standard accepted color.

Donna from fossil rock farms is doing a great job with her large fowl silvers. You might be able to get silvers from her in the near future. Andy from Oregon also has some good silvers going.
The biggest problem with silvers is " red/ gold" still showing up in silvers.

He can probably show just about anything in 4-h especially in just showmanship. He also could show large fowl silvers at APA shows, but as a "non- standard color" they would just be competing against themselves. So, like Blues the silvers will only be able to place " best of variety" and not place above Barnevelders of standard accepted color.

Donna from fossil rock farms is doing a great job with her large fowl silvers. You might be able to get silvers from her in the near future. Andy from Oregon also has some good silvers going.
The biggest problem with silvers is " red/ gold" still showing up in silvers.

Okay. Sounds better than not having what you want. It depends what is more important to him. Plus the cost. Some of these birds are over $30ea. I do not know if I want to spend that much on a chicken,but it is an investment to/for my kid. His private coop is I will go over all info with him and my husband. Trenton does not get to make many desicions on things around the house, but because he will be responsible for this I want him to choose his animals and activities within the 4H program. Plus I do not know much about 4H. His first meet is in a couple of weeks. We are all excited. I cannot wait to learn more. He is just a well-rounded kid. He farms, plays sports all year, is a Royal Ranger, and does very well in school. I think it is oldest child syndrome.
I'm looking for a buff (splash) Barnevelder rooster. Or maybe blue if buff isn't practical/affordable. I live in Colorado. Any breeders nearby?

I am also interested in chicks if someone is willing to ship them.
I'm looking for a buff (splash) Barnevelder rooster. Or maybe blue if buff isn't practical/affordable. I live in Colorado. Any breeders nearby?

I am also interested in chicks if someone is willing to ship them.

I wish I were closer. I have some large blues roosters ready now and some chicks as well. They are almost fully feathered though. I have a partner though that does ship birds and he has some splashes. Maybe I could give him a ring. Good luck finding them!
Hi guys! We are about to get our first chicks this weekend. I have been thinking about getting into chickens for 2 years now, just kept getting scared off thinking they would be too much work or too hard to keep alive. I have been doing research, and now have 3 friends with chickens...who make it look like no big deal :)

So we are just starting off with a mixed flock of 6. I have decided to get one each of...
Ameraucana (supposedly the real deal and not an EE...I don't care either way)
Barred Plymouth Rock
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Salmon Faverolle
Buff Brahma
and a Barnevelder.

I was wondering if there are any specific things I should look for in a chick. I would really like a beautiful double lace pattern, is there any way to tell on a chick who will have the nice patterns or colors?

Hi guys! We are about to get our first chicks this weekend. I have been thinking about getting into chickens for 2 years now, just kept getting scared off thinking they would be too much work or too hard to keep alive. I have been doing research, and now have 3 friends with chickens...who make it look like no big deal :)

So we are just starting off with a mixed flock of 6. I have decided to get one each of...
Ameraucana (supposedly the real deal and not an EE...I don't care either way)
Barred Plymouth Rock
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Salmon Faverolle
Buff Brahma
and a Barnevelder.

I was wondering if there are any specific things I should look for in a chick. I would really like a beautiful double lace pattern, is there any way to tell on a chick who will have the nice patterns or colors?


I would suggest a reputable breeder. Even then you would have to get more then one (at least 5 or 6) grow them out and hope that at least one has good lacing and color. You can't be sure what they will look like until they are mature. You can also try to get a pullet that already look nice. Then again you never know you might get lucky with one chick. No matter what she looks like I'm sure you will enjoy her and her eggs.
If you are new to chickens, you may want to avoid breeds that are expensive and/or delicate.

And as was stated before, I'm not aware of any way to tell which baby chick will have nice lacing. They're pretty much just fuzzballs at that point! I usually grow out several for each one I plan to keep.

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