Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Just wanted to share some pictures of my flock this year. This is all new stock for me. some of them are pure vB lines from Christina Ledford, others are pure Johan lines, third generation, from another breeder. I'm really happy with how they are growing out. The vB lines are darker and have much better leg color. I think it shows how selective breeding (or not selective) can make a difference in a flock in just a few generations. The vB lines are darker and have much better leg color.

Nice:) Is the roo a Johan??? He looks like one... Good looking birds, Fay:)

life was crazy (my daughter had preemie baby)when these guys were ready to move out of the brooder, I didn't have space to segregate them and I didn't get a chance to band them so they are all mixed together and only about 2 weeks apart in age. I wish I could have banded them to know which was which. I agree that I think he's a johan. I also think the vB hens are the darker ones.
Quote: Thanks, LOL. She's one of my favorites from my "cornevelder" line. The four adult hens I'm keeping from this line are in moult. The pullets from these girls are looking really good. I finally got the tail I want...just have to shorten the back a bit and keep trying to maintain the nice egg color from this line.

This is my favorite "cornevelder" pullet. She's always at my feet:)

Thanks to my Barnie roo (his tail was a bit extreme) I got some really nice full tails on my pullets this year (both pure and cornevelder). I wish I could of used him again, but at least I have a bunch of pullets with nice tails to work with.

Got a nice shot of my #2 blue cockerel. #1 is hiding back in the garden and wouldn't stand still for a pic.

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Here's a pic of my #1 blue cockerel. Love the dark blue color on this boy.

Edited to add: My camera hasn't been working right lately. It's just one of those cheaper "point n shoot" digial types. But all the pics come out washed out or weird no matter what "setting" I have it on auto or others. The lap top I'm on also makes the pics seem even more off color. But, at least you can get a general idea about body type and color on these guys.
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life was crazy (my daughter had preemie baby)when these guys were ready to move out of the brooder, I didn't have space to segregate them and I didn't get a chance to band them so they are all mixed together and only about 2 weeks apart in age. I wish I could have banded them to know which was which. I agree that I think he's a johan. I also think the vB hens are the darker ones.
Hope your daughter and baby are doing well
I would bet the darker ones are vB too. That roo sure does look like the johan line in comb, color and body.

Here's a pic of my #1 blue cockerel. Love the dark blue color on this boy.

Trisha, I am curious. What makes this the number one roo for you? I think they are both stunning, and from the photos I would probably pick number 2 as my pick....I'm learning so I'm just curious what I might not be seeing, because with how amazing your birds look you definitely have the knowledge of what works. :)
Quote: #1 has darker blue color with less "brassy" tones and I know he hatched from a dark egg. He may even be a bit too dark in his saddle and hackles though. He seems a bit more "barnie" in his body type and tail. Nice minded too and calmer than #2. This guy is a bit nicer with the ladies too.

#2 is a bit too "brassy" to me. He has a good body, tail and comb. I think he's a bit more aggressive, but so far is minding his manners around me and the kids. I will not have a mean roo, so I'm watching this guy. As long as he keeps to himself...he can stay.

I really like both and they still have some growing to do.

Ole Blue is coming along and taking good care of his gals he never lets them stray to far away. It seems like his chest is getting wider day by day, I enjoy watching this ole boy strut.

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