Barred black sex link


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
I have 3 black sex links. All were identical as babies- solid black. As adults one is identical to my barred rocks and 2 are black with reddish breast. Seems that all the posts on here say the barred ones are roosters. Does anyone know if the barred can be female?? I got these thinking they would be guaranteed girls. Thanks!
If they are sex links, that's a boy. If a pure barred rock got thrown in, it's a pullet. Pics would help, a profile shot and let us know how old the birds are.
not even sure which of the 7 barred it is anymore. I will try and get pics of all my barred, but honestly the black and red ones have bigger combs and wattles than any of the barred. They are just shy of 5 months.
if they are 5 months you should be able to tell the males from the females by their saddles and hackles. the cockerels will have long slender pointed while on the hens they will be fat and rounded with the saddles blending in nicely with the body. also for the black sex link you can look for solid black feathers in the tail. did any of the chicks have any hint of white on them at all...

these are all black sex links to show just how they can very
I was accidently sent a black sex-link cockeral in my order of 50 bsl pullets. I could pick him out right away with the spot on his head. It does happen, those people have to sort a LOT of chicks. But it sounds like you are too late to get a refund from the hatchery if they are 5 months old. I rooster that age should definitely look like a roo though.
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no white on any of the chicks, and none of them at this point have any different hackles or saddles than any others. I'm sure it will be obvious soon!! Thanks for all the advice!!

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