barred easter egger?

ok another question not to hijake the thread but it had been dead for awhile if i take these barred cockerels and breed the cockerels to a BR hen will i still get a barred looking EE? and if i were to breed these guys together would they produce any barred offspring?
My understanding of the barring gene, if you breed black hens to barred roo, you will get some barred hens, some black hens, some barred roos, some black roos. The barred roos will only have a single copy of the barring gene and will be darker colored, barred like a hen. If you cross the single gened barred roo back on the barred hen, half of the roos will be single barred, half will be double barred, like a normal barred breed roo, born with a bigger spot on their heads and feather out with lighter barring, lighter feet, the whole shebang. Once you get a double barred gene roo, and some barred hens, you are up and running and will not have any more black chicks or single barred gene roos.

If you cross a black roo on barred hens, all the barred offspring will be roos. All roo offspring will be barred. All the female offspring will be black. All black offspring will be female. All the barred (male) offspring will only carry a single copy of the gene. You will have to breed them back to barred hens to get a double barred roo so you can consistently produce all correctly barred offspring.

First generation (F1) of crossing REAL Ameraucanas to anything, you will get pea combs and beards on everything that hatches. Each offspring will only carry a single copy of each gene, instead of two you have in purebred Ameraucanas. The next generation (F2) will have mixed results on beards and pea combs. For a few generations you will just have to pick what looks right. You will probably get non-bearded and single combed offspring to a lesser and lesser degree every generation until you completely breed it out of your flock. Single combs are recessive. Beards are dominant. Hope this helps.

If I made any mistakes, some genetecist needs to jump in here and correct me. It is late.

Here is a picture of my F1 roo, from a marans (unknown variety. When I bought my original hen, the one in the first post of this thread, she was in with about twenty marans roos, all kinds, cuckoo, blue cuckoo, splash, black, copper black and birchen, so I don't know who the Baby Daddy is in this case. There were several I'm sure.) He has no coppering, so I'm guessing his daddy was a black roo. He is single gened, so his daddy was not one of the barred roos. He has no silve leakage, so probably not the birchen or the blue birchen... Probably the black roo, or one of the copper blacks. I have hatched out quite a few of his babies and never had mahogany leakage in the hackles, so he probably doesn't carry it. TOTALLY lucked out there! Plus, he has a nice, kid friendly, other roo friendly disposition! He looks pretty serious in that second pic, but he is really laid back. I think that pic is hilarious!
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This thread wasn't going to be dead forever, my babies are growing and I have the thread saved. So far all I can say about them(besides how cute they are and how much I love them!) is that mine seem to hatch really well. When the houdan and serama eggs in the bator didn't hatch, one of these did.
Here are some of my babies:




The flash scared the heck out of this last one, lol.
Thank you for the explaination onethespot. I have a cuckoo marans X Easter Egger Rooster that is barred with a modified pea looking comb. I have been hesitant as to what to breed him to because I do not have any EE hens that are a single color other than one buff. He is kind of a loaner, but I will soon be dividing the EE's up into a breeding pen so maybe he will go with. Might be an interesting mix. Maybe his daughters would be olive eggers?
im getting eggs from sebrightmom and i wanted a barred EE for awhile but cant find one so im getting some of her eggs tomarrow! and i just wanted to understand what i was getiing myself into! awesome thread
I think the best thing I like about these is that EE's don't have a standard so if I like what I hatch, I can keep it and breed it, and I can cull any that I just don't like. I might keep those with greener eggs or that lay better or maybe I will just want the ones with better beards; I like being able to decide.
I snapped this pic today of my older roo, single barred, and his son, the younger roo, who is incidentally bearded, pea combed, clean legged and double barring gened, AND much smaller wattles! Talk about hitting the JACKPOT on that guy! Also note my brand new gravity feeder, a six inch square vinyl post about four feet high, whacked a hunk out of one side, set it in a rectangle plastic pan from goodwill, tied a loop of string by the top, through the chain link fence. I can just lift it off the gravity feeder if I want to remove it for any reason. If the feed hangs up at all, just lift the upright an inch or two and presto! your feeder fills in two seconds.
I''m very excited to find this thread!! I was thinking to myself how grand it would be to have sex linked easter eggers!! So, tell me, wise ones, if i have it right. If i breed a barred hen to an EE roo, i'd hopefully have some barred hens that lay tinted eggs?? then i can take those hens and cross them with black roos (any breed?) and the result would be barred roos and black pullets that hopefully lay greenish eggs?

I have what i am pretty sure is an EE roo (accidental mis-sex from hatchery but he really looks like the EE roos), i have a BR hen. I am going to breed my EE hens with my roo anyway so i'll add in some BR as well and see what i get. If the above is accurate, i'm going to be hatching some black copper marans this spring so i could then breed my resulting hatch with any resulting black roos and make it all come together

I"m not as concerned with combs or leg feathers. I am looking to be able to sex chicks to keep for my egg production as well as sell to friends and family. Having the colored egg option would be great.


who is too tired to set up her signature and avatar tonight
Assuming your EE roo is not barred, breeding him to your BR hens will give you sex linked chicks. You will get barred cockerels, and non-barred pullets. Those that inherit the pea comb will be most likely to lay green eggs.

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