Barred Rock Chicks ?

No I won't try and sell any until I know for sure what they are. The three chicks that I hatched out a little over a week ago are either 2 hens and a roo or 2 roo's and a hen .....Hahaha maybe when they get a little bit older I can better decide ! They are starting to get some of their feathers on their wings :) The little guys are doing really good !

What kind of chicken is your avatar???
It looks like a silkie head on a regular chicken!
It's super cute, I've never seen one like that before.
Is it a mix breed?
Yes Black Sex Link/Black Star an Barred Rocks.
Pretty birds.
As far as the black sex link's personality goes... She gets more friendly. It's my daughters favorite now. The chick stays on her heels the whole time she's in the run. Her official name is Sweety Pie.
My son wants a black sex link, he loves the color.
How's their personality?
Barred Rocks are my favorite for personality, but I love the variety of egg color and patterns having a mixed flock.
I have lavender orpingtons in my incubator now, I've been wanting them forever!
As far as the black sex link's personality goes... She gets more friendly. It's my daughters favorite now. The chick stays on her heels the whole time she's in the run. Her official name is Sweety Pie.

Sorry for the double post!
SO what does it mean when you all say sexlink? Can you get a sexlink from any breed of chicken? I am currently trying to decide if what we have are barred rock or sexlink

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