Barred Rock HEN (I hope)


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
Fort Payne, AL
Hey all, I have a BR that I think is a hen. She has a very differnt shape and look than the Roo, but her comb is starting to turn red. I could use some assurance on this one. Thanks.

"Her" name is Lady Jane Frizzypants (my daughter named her). She is about14-16 weeks old.
I'm going to guess roo. My 4 BR pullets are more black with smaller stripes of white and a lighter comb.
sorry but it kind of looks like a roo, the stripes are very wide and the comb is turnig very red, so im gonna guess roo, guess you'll have to rename "her"...
lol but i guess we'll see...
I'm going to go against the grain and guess this is a pullet. The tail looks a little roo-ish, but I disagree about the coloring and barring. Her head, legs and body look decidedly feminine to me. Will you let us know?
I will let you know when I know. He/She is about 14-16 weeks old. The other roo was easy to tell from only a few weeks old. He was red fast and much larger legs and feet and overall size. He is one of my favorite chicks and this one will have to go if it turns out to be a roo too. I may have to go out shopping for a BR pullet! My wife is ready for some eggs! And that roo's just not going to cooperate in that department. For now, I'm still holding out hope for a pullet.
Speckledhen is the authority on the BRs, but that looks like a hen to me, especially at 14-16 weeks - she may be reddening up because she's going to start laying soon.

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