Barred Rock or Dominique?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
I really don't know... I have two:


Added them to my flock of RIR's, they all get along pretty well considering these girls were a bit smaller to start with. When I bought them at a swap meet, the girl wasn't 100% sure what they were. I just went with the barred rock. But now I'm not really sure. Just looking for either some confirmation one way or the other.


Thanks in advance as always!


(Rocky, pictured above, also says thanks!)

dominiques have a rose comb, BR have a single comb... I ordered a dominique and ended up with a barred rock, so I have asked the question not too long ago;)
Thank you everyone!!

I just wanted to be sure. My girl (soon to be eight years old) is loving these birds and learning all she can on them, and I wanted to be sure she was researching the correct one!

Again, thanks!

Love my rocks - they're friendly, curious and even a little brash. Life would be boring without them (yup - my other chickens are boring but awesome layers!).

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