Barred Rock Pullet Chick or Cockerel Chick?


13 Years
14 Years
Mar 26, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
Does anyone know pretty certainly if this is a pullet or a cockeral chick? Can't have roosters, so can go back and exchange if needed. My hatchery does a 90% guarantee of sex-



I can get more pics if needed?
I found this description, so I think I have a girl-

1-Look at the head spots. Barred Plymouth Rock chicks are hatched with dark spots on their heads. Males tend to have head spots that are irregular in outline and more scattered, while females have head spots that have a more even shape and distribution on their heads.

2-Check the size of the head spots by comparing chicks from the same clutch. Males tend to have larger head spots than the females. Though this is not a reliable indicator on its own, it can give weight to one sex or the other in conjunction with other factors.

3-Examine the front of the chick's legs near the feet. On female Barred Plymouth Rock chicks, there is a dark wash of color in this area, while the legs of males are paler.

4-Compare the coloration. The male Barred Plymouth Rock chicks are almost universally darker than the females.

5-Look for adult tail and wing feathers. Females Barred Plymouth Rock chicks will develop their feathers before the males do.
I was thinking the same thing. It's a large head spot - organized in shape, but quite large. I'm no expert, though! I have eight bantam BR chicks, and a broody hatching seven more (hoping) on the 14th.

Here's a photo of a couple of mine:


I'm guessing that the chick in the foreground is a male, while the one behind it a female.

But...who's to say for sure?

I'm planning on keeping a couple of the best cockerels and selling the rest either at the "tailgate" sale at a fall show or one of our local club meeting's monthly auctions.

Don't despair cockerels - there's always a good home out there for them! If you don't already belong to a local Bird Fanciers Club, maybe look into where one meets...

Good luck!
I did look at the "dark wash" on the feet which is there. I'm hoping it's a girl, if not, I have to take him back right away. Our hatchery stops selling soon... then I'll ony have 2 instead of 3, which I'd prefer. At what age would I know it's a rooster for sure? She's a little smaller than the B.O., and maybe a day or 2 younger?
Can you post a good side picture of the wing feathers coming in?
I hear you can tell by the barring... someone might be able to help.... I do see some wing feathers and they look mostly black

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