Barred Rock Roo question

I totally agree. It worked with my 8 roosters.
Swatting at them, chasing or kicking them just makes them worse. It took me a month of rehab to get my sweet boy Apollo back after his babysitter kicked him.
Here's some info you might use if you really want to try and keep him around. Also the lightness of color and leg colors doesn't nessesarily mean that he's not a Barred Rock but maybe a non-typical roo, alot of hatchery types are inconsistent on breed traits. I have a lighter colored BR roo almost Cuckoo Marans in description but he's supposedly pure BR from a hatchery, now that doesn't mean he is. He has white shanks/fleshy red streaks and has a yellow beak so what gives there. The hatcheries get their eggs from so many different breeders that surely somewhere down the line through human error there's going to be mix-ups ever so often. He's definately not a Dom.xBR though as this cross would be rose combed and should be all yellow footed and beaked.

Here ya go:

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you can see from the sickle feathers on his tail that he has dominique blood in him and from the comb i would say barred rock. i love my barred rock hens but would like to find a docile barred rock roo like speckled hens to breed them with. i wont keep a mean rooster here.
I hope you get him straightened out he is to nice to rehome my Barred Rocks run from me and I havent been mean to them
The only way i can hold him is to pick him up when they are getting ready to sleep in the coop- i am hoping eventually i'll be able to just walk up and pick him up any time, at least he isn't going after me now, just watching him close- and he will take treats out of my hand now too... might try that with yours?
I sorta like mine running from me because I dont wanna get attached to them cause next fall they will be entering the freezer
I had a Barred rock roo that could be aggressive at times. I think of him as a coward because he would only try something when your back was turned. When ever he would be agressive I would catch him and put him under my arm and walk around with him parading him in front of his girls. My 12 year old son would complain that he was mean but my 14 year old son would say you just have to show him who is boss and pick him up. We changed his behavior quite a bit unfortunatly we lost him to a coyote. That saddened evreyone including my 12 year old. He was a good looking rooster and he was very good to his girls. Although I did not see it happen I am sure that he died defending his girls against that coyote.

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