Barred Rock thread!!


First homegrown egg ever! Layed by my barred rock Betty, 20.5 weeks old.
I have a tiny mixed flock with one Barred Rock who we named Frittata. She is the sweetest of the flock and just started laying this week! Here she is dusting with her Creamed Legbar buddy in what used to be my potato planter.


Both of my Barred Rocks are laying! Top row are from my BR Betty and just yesterday her sister Wilma started to lay. Bottom egg is from Wilma (her first) with a large grocery store egg for comparison.
One of my Barred Rock pullets is an EE and she lays green eggs. My other Pullet lays a real light brown, like yours. Love my B.R.s, very nice chickens.
Drumstick, The man that I got my hatching eggs from has three breeds of chickens. He has white leghorns, Barred rock and Ameraucanas. Roos and hens. He didn't keep them separated. All he was interested in was getting eggs. Two of the eggs I got from him are barred rock pullets. One looks like she's total barred rock. The other looks like she's barred rock also but she has the muff and the beard. I'm no authority but I would say the one with the muff would be considered an EE. One of the barred rock hens must have mated with a Americana Roo and wouldn't that make her then an EE?
Please fill me in if I'm wrong and I could be I am no authority like I said.
I need some clarification, please. I thought that barred Plymouth Rocks and barred Rocks were the same. However, we bought 3 female 4 day old chicks from the feed store today and we were informed that they were barred rocks, and are a little different from barred Plymouth Rock. Could someone please tell me the difference. I can't find answer on BYC or anywhere on Internet. The chicks look just like the ones one this thread and they are much more docile then our own chicks we just hatched this past week. Thanks for your help.
I need some clarification, please. I thought that barred Plymouth Rocks and barred Rocks were the same. However, we bought 3 female 4 day old chicks from the feed store today and we were informed that they were barred rocks, and are a little different from barred Plymouth Rock. Could someone please tell me the difference. I can't find answer on BYC or anywhere on Internet. The chicks look just like the ones one this thread and they are much more docile then our own chicks we just hatched this past week. Thanks for your help.
They are the same
barred is a color Plymouth Rock is the breed
New to chickens and we have 4 Barred Rocks and 2 Cuckoo Marans. They are 2 weeks old and when we let them out for their 20 minutes (supervised) they run, fly and chase each other, lol. They're like "bumper chickens", lol.


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