Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

I got home doing chores this afternoon and heard my 25-26 week old cockerel finally crow, and it wasn't a bad one either! Of corse he wouldn't do it for the camera. Lester is putting on new feathers in hopes of joining the main herd this spring. ....stan

Aren't they georgious!! I really think a bunch of these pullets make a terrific looking flock. See you are about to get an egg from the girl in the upper right?? How old is this bunch? Mine are about 25 - 26 weeks, and I have to look really hard and use my imagination to see red in the face.
Can I ask you a couple of questions ? What is the deal with those black feathers?? Do they all have them? I have some, but don't think they all do. I have some in older hens too, so I don't expect them to moult out. How heavy is the molt? Yours don't look bad at all. Mine don't seem to be going all out, but there are a few feathers blowing around. Enough to call it a moult. I kind of hoped they would skip that until next year. I want more eggs!!! . ......stan

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