Barred Rocks that feet changed color.


Apr 9, 2020
Wildwood, Missouri
@MysteryChicken suggested I make a post about my leg color changingbarred rocks. So, here's the story:

I have 4 barred rock pullets that I got as chicks from Rural King (Hoover's Hatchery) on May 13th. These chicks still had their egg tooth on them.

When we got them, all four had dark wash down their legs and the bottoms of the feet were bright yellow.

Then at around 3-4 weeks the feet appeared dark wash with pink/white bottoms. I posted some pics to gender them. I was pretty sure all four were pullets, but it's fun to get other's opinions. @MysteryChicken saw the light feet as said my rocks were marans because of the pink feet. I was okay with that.

And at 5-6 weeks

But then those hatchery girls decided to confuse me further. Now at 8-9 weeks they are changing back to yellow...

Has anyone had chicks with color changing feet?
Were my marans really rocks? They are pets, so l won't be showing, but it would be nice to know.

Since they are only 9ish weeks, they are nowhere near ready to lay. It wouldn't surprise me if those yellow footed girls decided to lay dark brown eggs just to keep me guessing.

Maybe. The change to pink could have been different from what they had at the store. Back to yellow they were moved to their own run and coop. There was grass, but now it's gone. They are also getting a little scratch in the morning because the big girls next to them do, as well as, some mealworms. So yes there have been food changes and environment changes. Poop has been consistent throughout changes.

The girls have always been incredibly active. These birds are awesome fliers. Easily clear 4 feet--learned that the hard way. First time in the run, I hadn't finished the top netting. At bedtime, the little cluckers jumped up 4+ from pop door platform ramp to get on top of run rafters 8 ft off the ground. They were running all over the top. Made for an exciting evening getting them down.

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