Barred Rocks!!

I posted this somewhere else, but I figured why not ask people who specifically have BRs lol. Im so sorry if this is too long, or if I shouln't have posted it here... I'm new to chickens (just got my first 3 10 days ago, and another yesterday) and just as new to BYC. Thanks for any help you are willing to give! :)

We have 3 chicks (supposedly white rock/RIR mix we got from a farm,as day olds) they are 11 days old today. We went to the feed store yesterday TO GET FEED and ended up falling in love and getting a barred rock chick (I see what ppl mean by "chicken math LOL!). She is only a day younger than my other girls, but shes a lot smaller (not sure if its because of the breed or what cause I'm new at this), but she is PECKING MY OTHER CHICK'S EYES AND CHASING THEM AROUND! She's so mean to my girls, I'm at my witt's end already!
My girls are apparently too docile (my fault, I baby them) and the cry and all bunch together in the corner of the brooder to get away from her (she runs over, cuddles up with them, then when shes "up and about" again, she bullies them some more)
. So my 1st question here is: WHAT DO I DO? Will this stop after a day or 2 or do I have to separate them? (I don't want to have to put her all alone if I don't have to), and is this a normal behavior (for the breed or just chickens in general)?. OK, second questions a diff subject... 2 of my girls have runny poop (started before I picked up the new girl), its not every single time they poop, just most of the time, and the one is more frequent than the other, plus the biggest one (shes one of the 2 with the poop problem) is also sneezing... Is this normal? What could be wrong? I know they got vaccinated before I got them, and we gave them grit to try to help it (and because they had some crickets the other day lol). What do I do? Help please! I'm sorry this is a lot, I'm new at this and want my girls to be OK.
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Your mixed girls were purposely crossed to be super docile and large egg machines. I bought 6 myslef. I got those at 2days old and my Barred Rock I bought at 5 months old along with our silkies. When it was time for introductions I just put a divider up and so all could meet and greet and then took it down after a week and it was great. So yes that is normal behavior but you want to put some chicken wire up between them for a while. My Barred Rock is Top Hen, she's tough and even survived a bloody dog attack she owns our little chicken ranch, she isn't mean but she tell's like it is.

as far as poop goes:
check that out.

Use raw unpasterized Apple Cider Vingear in there water about 1tbsp per gallon and 1tbsp of molasses in there water too. Partially fill a gallon jug with hot water add your molasses and shake to get it incorporated then add the AVC and cold water. About 1-2 times weekly take plain unsweeten yogurt and in a separate container mix it with some of their food.

If your two girls have poop stuck to their butts then you will also need to take a wet warm cloth and soak their butts to loosen any stuck on poop and gently wipe it off. I used a paper towels and q-tips.

And don't be sorry we are all here to help one another!!!
Thank you! I will have to do that. No pasty butt *knock on wood* so I dont have to clean their little butts lol. Thanks for the chicken wire idea too, I was up all night (brooder is in my bedroom right now) and they were screaming a lot, I kept running over to make sure no one was bleeding or hurt lol. I'm overly protective of my girls
. I will get the apple cider vinegar and molasses today so I can start that. I will try the yogurt again, but I tried once before and they wanted nothing to do with it LOL. Thanks again!!
We got two *extra* chicks when we picked ours up two days ago. I think they are barred rocks. The others are araucanas and rhode island reds. Can anyone id our black and white chicks as barred rocks?
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Thank you! I will have to do that. No pasty butt *knock on wood* so I dont have to clean their little butts lol. Thanks for the chicken wire idea too, I was up all night (brooder is in my bedroom right now) and they were screaming a lot, I kept running over to make sure no one was bleeding or hurt lol. I'm overly protective of my girls
. I will get the apple cider vinegar and molasses today so I can start that. I will try the yogurt again, but I tried once before and they wanted nothing to do with it LOL. Thanks again!!
I hope all works out I can't wait to see the pics! I know the feeling I just chicks again I woke in the middle of the might to check on them.
IDK a whole lot yet but I wanna say she is a barred rock. Yeah mine gives me these pink looking eggs they are suppose to be light brown but yes they look pink.
I hope all works out I can't wait to see the pics! I know the feeling I just chicks again I woke in the middle of the might to check on them.
I have some pics up of them in an album, I'll post a few here, especially now that I have a new Lil girl lol. I didn't have to separate them yet, they seem to be doing well. I moved them to a bigger brooder (not much bigger) and after initially freaking out and being terrified of the new feeder and water-er they are doing good
. She's pecking at them a bit here and there but nothing too bad. Only one that's got runny poop now
I'll go grab a few pics of the girls and put em up, I hear them chatting away over there LOL they crack me up!

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