Bathing alternatives


Jul 28, 2022
My hen just does not like taking a bath. When I was trying to get her in the bath she was fighting and panic breathing then I got her in the Epsom salt bath for maybe 5 minutes before she flew out! I got her as dry as possible. And I turned the heat panel on for a bit and she was dry when I turned it off. But she is doing this weird breathing again. What other methods do people use to clean off their hens butt? I’m pretty sure she has vent gleet. She has had it for over a month.
Ok. I’ll just use a wet rag from now on. I was using monistat but didn’t put any on today because she was so stressed out. I’m not even sure if it was working. She gets a normal diet.,layer pellet and crumble mixed.,every few days I give her water with apple cider vinegar. And sometimes scratch and mealworms.


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Is she still laying eggs? Could you post a picture of her cleaned vent area? Can you try trimming any excess fluff from her vent so the poop will clear it? Is her crop emptying overnight, or has she had any sour crop in the past? You can try some probiotics or plain Greek yogurt daily to help her beneficial gut bacteria if it is out of balance. I would make sure that she is eating,,since her poop looks very green and full of bile.
If you would like to worm your birds, Valbazen 1/2 ml orally given once and again in 10 days is good. Also, SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.25 ml orally for 5 consecutive days will treat all worms except tapeworm.

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