Bathing baby chicks?

Parakeet grit is bad for them because of the added calcium carbonate the salt is bad for their kidneys
No problem! I'm a beginner too.

Best advice I can give is stick to these boards and read, read, READ! Read stuff that doesn't even apply to you right now because you'll learn it and have an idea where to start when something comes up! The folks on here are amazing, knowledgeable and friendly! Have fun on your adventure and welcome to BYC!
I have10 Cornish barroks. They have poop in their stomach areas. They are only 2 weeks old. How would I go about cleaning the poop off. I would really really appreciate any help I can get
Keep their brooder cleaner. You shouldn't really be bathing chicks, unless there are extenuating circumstances. How big is your brooder? They should have AT least 1 s.f./chick, and as they get older, they'll need more room. I'd aim for at least 4 s.f./chick. Their down will be getting replaced with feathers, and if they have a place to dust bathe, that will help them to be able to clean themselves also.
For anyone else: I once had two sick chicks out of 25. They both had 'plugs' on their rears. I soaked their rear ends in warm water for 2-5 minute intervals, gradually wiping away and lifting at the edges with warm wet cloth, warm wet Q-tips, rinsing in the warm water, and continued soaking. After about 20 minutes the 'plug' pulled off and a couple of very careful snips with cuticle scissors freed the one or two stuck feathers. Health was restored within the hour.
No problem! I'm a beginner too.

Best advice I can give is stick to these boards and read, read, READ! Read stuff that doesn't even apply to you right now because you'll learn it and have an idea where to start when something comes up! The folks on here are amazing, knowledgeable and friendly! Have fun on your adventure and welcome to BYC!

Agreed!!! I'm essentially a newbie also. Had chicks once 30 years ago, the entire flock was killed by coyotes a few weeks after I put them in the run--twas chicken wire. None since. Read and read. I have spent lots of time on here and asked so many questions, I feel like a pest sometimes. I have learned so much.
I had one chick do the same thing soaked her butt in water till I could get it off. I started with 8 chickens in early April and still have 8 guess I'm not doing to bad. Though I had a close call yesterday it was raining and a hawk came real close to my head looking for a meal. My girls were under the bushes before I knew what was going on. I knew enough the they were spooked and boom hawk swooped down. I was amazed I missed it till the end. The girls didn't though. Free ranging is risky but they learn quick.

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