Bathing chicken for mites

Attila the Hen

11 Years
Nov 6, 2010
Blue Ridge GA
One of my hens has a VERY bad case of mites. She is sick and lethargic as a result. I have dusted her and bathed her vent area which was very poopy. Have also put Ivermectin on her over the past couple of days.
Has anyone bathed their bird for mites?
This may seem extreme but the mites and their dirt is very heavy.
The other poultry do not have this problem. Somehow she has got very run down and succumbed to the mites. I think everyone of them is on her and barely on anyone else!
Would appreciate any input.
Yes, I've done that. BUT - be careful not to use too much on her, especially if she's already run down. Are you still seeing mites on her now? Once the mites are gone that dirt and crust will slough off in a few weeks. They can hide in those poopy feathers, though, so a bath would help with that. But again, I'd wait until she perked up quite a bit.

When that has happened here I've given them some diluted Nutri-drench and given them scrambled eggs a few times a day along with their regular food. They usually are back to normal in 2 or 3 days doing that UNLESS there was something more serious going on in the first place.
One of my hens has a VERY bad case of mites. She is sick and lethargic as a result. I have dusted her and bathed her vent area which was very poopy. Have also put Ivermectin on her over the past couple of days.
Has anyone bathed their bird for mites?
This may seem extreme but the mites and their dirt is very heavy.
The other poultry do not have this problem. Somehow she has got very run down and succumbed to the mites. I think everyone of them is on her and barely on anyone else!
Would appreciate any input.
NEVER bathe a sick bird. Bathing them is very stressful and could could kill them. Get some permethrin powder and dust her.

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NEVER bathe a sick bird. Bathing them is very stressful and could could them. Get some permethrin powder and dust her.


I wish I'd read your post before I bathed her. I dusted her with permethrin and ashes yesterday. She was perkier today but still had mites everywhere so I bathed her. She hasn't moved since then--has been sleeping. I suppose there's a good chance she won't make it through the night. (I have her indoors)

I'm thinking that the mites may well have been a symptom of some other problem since there were so many on her. No one else has this problem to the extent that she has. Also, she smelled very bad because of feces and mite gunk on her. She doesn't smell now......

I appreciate your input.
Get her in a room that's 80-85 degrees and get her warmed up. Hot water bottle, heating pads, towels warmed in dryer are all methods I use to get them warm.


Okay. Got her on a heating blanket on low and covered her with a heated towel. I REALLY appreciate your comment--makes a lot of sense. Do you think she will move if she gets too warm? I do have her in the house and it has been 70-71 in the house with the wood stove.
Again, thank you.

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