Bathing chicken for mites

Sorry about your hen. X2 on what casportpony said. I probably would have done the same thing you did if she was perking up. We all learn lessons the hard way. You won't do it again (and I won't, either!). I think you're right that there was something else going on and it probably wasn't even the bath that did it.
We all live and learn, often the hard way. Several years ago I lost three birds, and only with the third nice hen did I figure out the problem; bad mite infestation! Then I lost my mind further, and dusted everyone that night with permethrin powder without wearing a N95 dust mask myself. The birds did great, but I found myself at Urgent Care with asthma going berserk. Not a good experience, and took many months to get better. Since then I always wear the good dust mask, and look for mites and lice weekly, and found permethrin spray, the best thing ever! Mary
Near the end of March and I had a bloody egg in the box today. I found the hen with the bloody bottom and thought I was going to see that she was egg bound or something along that line....what I found were Lice! I can't believe it.

Soooo off to the farm store to buy a spray or dust! (and a mask). But I have a question, Why when we have had 20's & 30's degree days and nights would there be lice?

And do they bite humans?
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From what I understand it doesn't matter how cold it is. I think they may live on the birds to keep warm. I don't think you need to be concerned about them biting you. Hopefully someone who knows more than me will respond
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