Bay Area BYCers!

yeah, these guys are too nice to send to freezer camp. thanks anyway.

no, I didn't get any Ameraucana pullets this year. all roos. I bought some Barnevelders started pullets to fill in the gap.
That's terrible! I know the feeling though. My first hatch of Delaware eggs was out of 30 eggs only 6 hatched. 5 were cockerels and 1 was a pullet. Mind you, the pullet almost died inside of the egg when hatching. If I hadn't of intervened and helped her out of the shell I would have had all boys!

If you can wait until next spring I'll have BW Ameraucana eggs, or chicks. I plan on doing a few small hatches for folks in the Bay Area that want some nice stock.
<inserting my own sub discussion>

We were at Round Table Pizza for a family night and I was wearing my black BYC "Breakfast" shirt. This family kept staring at it for what seemed forever. I figure they either have chickens or maybe are even members of BYC. If so, hopefully they will read this and say hello!
So I wear my shirt to work and I always get the most interesting glances. Most folks look at me and smile, then down at my shirt and get this puzzeled look across their face... then they get it and smile, some even laugh. Then they'll look back up at me and ask, "So, do you have chickens?"

And what do I say? "Yes, would you like to buy some eggs? I have way too many, oh would you like to order something as well?"
Hi Everyone:

Geri here in Palo Alto.

I've been a member of both "BackYardChicken" boards for about seven years now. Not as active as I was for a while. Things change, ya know.

Anyway, love being back involved and enjoying my eight girls. I'd love to have more but I'm already pushing the limit here. You know the say, "No good deed goes unpunished?"

Well, I decided to begin adopting abandoned chickens when the houseing market tanked and suddeny there were stray chickens walking down El Camino Real in Mountain View.

This good deed brought the city to my door and suddenly my 900 sq yard free range chicken habitat came under scrutiny. Fortuntely the local "wild life" authorities are very cool and gave me a license to have chickens, which I never bothered with before.

Nice people and now on very good terms.

I love my chickens!!!!

Hi Bay Area Folks,

I've been interested in trying this organic, non-soy feed:, but it isn't available locally, and the shipping is crazy. So I thought if I could drum up enough local interest, I could really cut down on shipping costs. If we order over 300 lbs, the order will be shipped on a pallet, and at that point, the more we order, the less the shipping cost is per unit. The only problem I foresee is that they might not be able to deliver to my urban-ish neighborhood, but I'll worry about that when it comes.

Here's a thread where people rave about the food:

So for now I'd like to get an idea of how many people might be interested in ordering this feed, so I know whether to pursue this. It might be best to PM me so we don't clog the thread, and if you can, list how many bags you might like. In a week or two, I will confirm with everyone and place the order.

It looks like wonderful feed. They have a layer feed, a starter feed and a broiler feed. The starter is the same as the broiler feed except that it's ground finer for smaller mouths, and it's recommended for chicks up to 3 weeks. For pullets who are not yet laying, they recommend the broiler feed.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.
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