Bay Area BYCers!

I also found 5 eggs on the baby rooster side! So they not only had been perching on the top wall but also going down, laying eggs and going back to the other pen. Maybe it's a contest they are having!
I have had a few in the last couple of hatches like this. Fully formed in the shell, wet & the membrane really tough & intact. I don't know what to do about that. They were BCM of course from my darkest eggs. If they don't even pip I wouldn't have even thought to try to help them. I think there were 4 like that......all Marans.
Karen in Turlock
We are up to 14 chicks now, had to help the last two because we inadvertently caused them to shrink wrap.

On chickies is having issues walking, one leg stuck out behind :-( Guess I need to figure out how to hobble it... of what I've read thinking hairtie rather than bandaid since it has feathers on it's legs.

Must go help my daughter hold a chick now! First thing she asked for when she woke.
I have had several huge eggs (Delaware, 2 Wheaten Marans & BCM)this season too. They were all double yolkers & were from my breeding pens so I set them aside for eating. I couldn't sell them for hatching eggs thinking they couldn't possible develope normally so I just scrambled & ate them.....LOL
There is nothing as sweet as watching a child with a baby animal.
I've never tried hatching a double yolker but from what I've read they don't develop correctly. They are fine to sell as eating eggs though. My customers get such a kick out of opening an egg and seeing 2 yolks!
Stick it in a coffee cup for a few hours. Make sure you set it in with the leg where it kind if needs to go and just leave it there. It will eventually move around and try to get out and the leg will go back in. I think sometimes the others dislocate them.


Yep always the darkest eggs. I have more in there for the Easter hatch and waiting.

OK so this morning I went and checked on Juliet again. I had seen a brown egg the other day and was hoping more were under her. I haven't picked her up, just lifted a bit to try and count. She I find there are 4 BCM eggs there. I sure hope she can get them to hatch. Anyway she has a total of 14 eggs. She's moved the BCMs to the top. Wonder what she knows that we don't. LOL

Sunny I really hurt now. The pain hasn't gone away and today I mowed front and back yards. Didn't start out to, but I just couldn't stop. LOL Just finished and started at 11 this morning. Even my hair aches.

The new girls laid today, but they aren't using the box. I got crushed eggs filled with wood shavings. Getting better though. At least I didn't kill them today.

Sunny I had on flip flops and I flopped. Caught the toe right at the threshold of the door. I went down, egg went up and came down about 2 feet from where I landed. I knew I hated flip flops for more than one reason.

had to chase Pierre, one of my BCMs out of the quarentine area today. I left the door open. He heard Ziggy and ran to see who had that crow. He walked back and forth for an hour while I was out there keeping the girls back and puffing up. Thing is, he's such a whimp.
Oh, I'm so sorry! I know what you mean about once you start...

Yes, I keep hearing how bad flip flops are for us but I just love mine! I even wear them when it's freezing out once in awhile (always sorry when I do though
). They are just so darn easy to slip on and off! But that's probably one of the reasons they are so unstable!
I have 2 of your blue wheaten eggs in my bator right now, also scheduled to hatch on Friday. As I mentioned on another thread, it's only day 19 & one of them is rockin' back and forth like Ray Charles at the piano.

Did Linda share with you?! She mentioned she had given a couple eggs to a friend but she didn't say it was you Jerrilyn!

I really hope they hatch for you.

Yep, got them from Linda! She gave me 3. Two made it to lockdown, which is great considering we moved in the middle of incubation (yay for the Reptipro with the cigarette lighter attachment for the car... slightly jostled, but no interruption in incubation).

Still no pips or hatches from your eggs, but they're not even due to hatch until tomorrow. I had one of the mixed breed eggs from Linda's yard hatch already, though. There was a pip yesterday, and this morning, a lovely yellow chick hanging out in the bator. I'm hoping he'll encourage his hatchmates to come out soon, too!

I hope at least one hatches. Your chickens are gorgeous. I don't even care if I get a roo or a hen (though we *always* prefer pullets LOL at the end of the day). Your pics of your roo are pretty awesome, though, and my feelings wouldn't be hurt to have a rooster like that in my yard.

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