Bay Area BYCers!

Bummer about Sir Giles .. he is sooo handsome and just perfect looking, photo ready!
OTOH, your four girls all had eggs today.
Lizzie's was first, and, in proportion to her, is huge. Even my husband said so. They hung around the patio before going to bed, so all four had some string cheese as a bedtime snack.

I got 6 BCM eggs for cochin #2, Esperanaza. They are from the Bev Davis - Jean Wade(?) line ... pure BCM ... so, you might get some chicks for your little friend for his bday if you're interested.

I'm so happy my girls are doing their job for you. WOW typically chickens can take up to a week or so before they resume their egg laying after being moved. This just goes to show that being loved and taken care of properly how it effects them like all of us. Daphne you are truly a girl after my own chicken heart. I can't say how happy I am to know that they are in your flock.... lucky girls!
No pips this morning yet from my Blue Wheaten eggs, today is only day 19 though. I usually have one or two chicks that hatch a little early, so maybe by this afternoon we'll have some new babies.

Friday feels like it's years away right now!
trying to find baytril in bay area, I see I can purchase online but wanted to get him started on it today. Maybe Sams??? but that's so far away

does anyone know the dosage? this is what is says on the twincitypoultry supply web site

Baytril Injection - 20 ml 2.27% LIMITED SUPPLY
20 ml Bottle at 2.27% would be 1cc injected in the breast for 1-3 days. One day is enough for "preventative" type measures, 2 days for moderate symptoms, 3 days for severe symptoms. If used for 3 days in a row, you need to follow up with friendly bacteria culture or pro-biotic. Can give orally with a eye dropper when needed. Enrofloxacin 22.7 mg,

Finally! Yes he let me know yesterday that she had finally laid an egg. How exciting!!!

Yep, Jeremy's right! Looks like 2 wheaten pullets!

As for size, the silvers are a smaller variety so your baby is perfectly normal. Don't know about lavenders, I've never had any. As for huge eggs... YES! One of my EEs is laying an egg that is humongous! They won't even fit in the jumbo cartons well. I have to put them at the very outside corner of the carton and then close only one side of my jumbo cartons to fit them in. Love the look on my customers faces! They have all been double yolkers and the EEs are all a year old now. Not sure which EE is laying the huge eggs. They normally lay an extra large egg.

Cheryl I sure hope you get Sir Giles back in good health soon. I've not had this issue so I am no help there.
I have 2 of your blue wheaten eggs in my bator right now, also scheduled to hatch on Friday. As I mentioned on another thread, it's only day 19 & one of them is rockin' back and forth like Ray Charles at the piano.

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