Bay Area BYCers!

Quote: Is in Manteca

Some of them may be the Game x BCMs that you hatched out from me. Processing the roos was part of the reason I did that mix, so if that's what they are, let me know how it goes.

I have a chicken Lovin friend that went to Manteca & had 5 processed. She said it was fast & they had her wait to take them home & cost $5 a piece. A good experience as far as processing goes but she doesn't have the heart for it & will rehome instead from now on.........
. I personally have no problem with it but want to do my own.

Does it matter what color your Cotunix Quail are? I got the eggs finally but they were a week & 1/2 in the postal system so I don't know if they will even hatch. I did put them in just in case. I have since been told that if these are whites (which they are) they may be a variety that is much larger & fast to mature. Does that matter. Are brown ones okay????

Oh I hope they hatch

Color doesn't matter right now. I was kind of hoping to get whites soon, so that's fine. Yes they are tiny. I held 8 of them in the palm of my hand and probably could have held 10. LOL
And they are very very fast. They pop straight up and they can move within a few minutes after hatch. I swear they were drying while they were zipping, cause I was nose pressed to the door watching and only saw a couple that look damp not wet. LOL Then they look like Jiffy Pop, cause they start popping all over the incubator within a minute or to. Amazing and funny.
These hatch is what? A little over 2 weeks. On day 5 or 6 I was flushing quail in my living room. They were in a tall box and it was nothing to those tiny things. The double in size every day the first week or so and then they just change every day after than. They are so round and chubby. I stuck two of popcorns eggs into the bator to see if they'll hatch. Kind of a waste to incubate 2 quail eggs, but I had them and was setting anyway. At least this way if they hatch we'll know they came from Popcorn.
Well after not giving up on 2 nests, Bell finally hacthed out chicks today.

Makayla ran out this morning to put her towel buy her pool and came back in telling me to hurry. We're on the way through the house and she said 'This little chick is sooo cute, but I think it's dead." I thought OMG not one of my birds. Got outside and somehow the first chick hatched and ended up 15ft away. My other birds were pecking at it and walking on it. It was cold. I grabbed it up and stuck it in a hatcher I have read for a hatch to warm it up. It seemed to be getting better, but was having a hard time breathing, so after a few hours we lost it.

So the one we lost was a FBCM. Figures. Then she hatched out another BCM, an Olive Egger and a Game x Marans. There are still 2 eggs under her. Yesterday I tried to let her out for a while and one of the BCM hens climbed into the box. By the time I got her out she had smashed 2 eggs, bith BCMs. Arrrggg

At first the one chick had looked blue and I was trying to figure out how that would happen, because it can't. It was so dusty once it dried out it was black.

Now I have 3 in there. Sometimes the Game and OE chicks have feathered shanks. Used to be they all had them, but lately they are clean legged. My BCMs have never hatched out clean. Anyway I just came in from sneaking a couple of pics.

First pic

After mom clucked a couple of times I caught butts squirming under her
Here they are!

How did I miss these cute little faces? Ams have such cute puffy cheeks, even at the chick stage. Do you know if you have the colors you want yet?

Well, sort of - I think I have 5 blues and 4 blacks, or the other way around. No splashes
- (I was hoping the two lightest ones were splash, but Jean says they are blue). I wanted splash hens to go with Bubba, so I could reliably hatch out blues. I don't know if I will keep all the blacks - although I need to sell them now or I will get attached to them.
Jeremy, one of your babies got hurt overnight. Thread here: Warning, the pic is pretty graphic. He was scalped, probably by Yolanda. I have him separated and am taking care of the wound. I think he'll be fine.

BTW, I've already met a San Diego BYCer that you might know from the Ameraucana forum. WhiteMountainsRanch. She's super nice, and there will be a meetup this coming Sunday. BTW, no pics, but from what I told her of the Blue Wheatens, she thinks I have 2 pullets, 1 wheaten cockerel (pretty black) and 1 blue wheaten cockerel (blue/grey). The blue wheaten boy is the one who was injured.
How did I miss these cute little faces? Ams have such cute puffy cheeks, even at the chick stage. Do you know if you have the colors you want yet?

Well, sort of - I think I have 5 blues and 4 blacks, or the other way around. No splashes
- (I was hoping the two lightest ones were splash, but Jean says they are blue). I wanted splash hens to go with Bubba, so I could reliably hatch out blues. I don't know if I will keep all the blacks - although I need to sell them now or I will get attached to them.

ok this is obviously off topic but YAY!! Someone from my area! My kids are in the AmCan 4h & we have chickens at the farm there.

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