Bay Area BYCers!

Welcome! as far as I can tell nothing is off topic in the bay area thread

ain't that the truth!
Finally got around to putting some of the new aluminum wing ID tags on. I think I am going to really like them. You certainly can't tell at a glance who is who amongst a breed but it is a permanent ID that you can record & always be able to check on. They are easy to do & I only messed up one ( bent it & tossed it) out of a 158 done in the past 2 days. My hope is to do almost all the chickens over 1 month old then as I sell them or cull them delete them off the list on the spreadsheet. I won't bother to tag the meat birds only the keepers. I hope to get to everyone else in the next week but am so far encouraged. I need to write to DOn (Snowbird) & thank him for his recommendation.
Karen in Turlock
Karen I may have to watch you do those sometime. Can birds be shown with them on or not? I know they ask for bands. I really need to pull Makayla's show info out. Maybe it says there, but don't think so. I'm going to have her show the bantam Favs for now I think, because none of the Modern Game eggs I bought have developed. Maybe while she's showing these we can find her a pair for sale at a show.

OK well I was out in the growout pen and my little SPPR baby had been shy lately. Today I gave them some bread and he can running. He looked so different. At first I didn't even know who he was. Then I realized he must really be mad at me. I named him Zack. Well Zack has all these beautiful penciled feathers now and now boyish look at all. He's a PULLET!!!

I was hoping for more pullets, so I'm really happy now. I locked down for todays hatch
the other day and when I candled, every one of the SPPRs had quit
I had more go into lockdown today. I didn't even candle. I might check later in the day, but I'm thinking I may jinx myself.

I'll have to get pics of Ziggy's girls. I had them separated because he was just not being nice, but I made some saddles for the girls and today I can remove the divider. That boy has dug grooves in the wood. I figure now he'll be safer.

I wanted to ask. Should I also maybe remove his spurs? Hoping the saddles work, but with the heat I also don't want them to get hot, so just trying to come up with options.
I have never removed spurs so I can't say myself.
The wing ID tags are extremely easy to use. I feel silly now for putting it off for so long because I had never done it before. It was funny to do the littler guys today compared to the older ones the other days. These little guy (2 weeks to a month) didn't even flinch having it put on but then when I put them back in the brooder they knew something was there & kept picking at their shoulder then would sit down then get up & take a step or two then pick again......LOL Funny to watch them. Each one did that as I set them back in the brooder.
I am almost sure thaey can be shown with the wing ID in place. I read it somewhere about the judges just overlooking them.
On the over used pullets/hens..............I just put saddle aprons on them to save their back. Actually what I think it does is deter the rooster & goes & picks someone else to bother.....LOL
Just hatched! Pure Ameraucanas, large fowl. Eggs came from one of the best breeders in the country, Jean Ribbeck

Vaccinated for mereks

4 days old today - Varieties available are LAVENDER, BUFF, BLACK and BLUE colors

$15 each
It looks like they are a reseller that works with a "network" of hatcheries. This is from their webpage About Us section:

Overview provides day old ducklings, day old chicks, day old goslings, specialty poultry breeds, and poultry supplies. Our hatchery network enables us to deliver the highest quality poultry to our customers at the best price. Specifically, we are able to offer our day old ducklings year-round, since they are hatched in California. Day old chick and specialty breeds may have seasonal hatching dates because we utilize a network of hatcheries in order to offer a greater variety of chicken breeds to our customers.

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