Bay Area BYCers!

This was Judy with her first brood...




I can't wait for the next set of fluffies!
Ditto! My Blehm Silver is also a squirt! Although I do see signs of her filling in now, finally. If she makes 5 lbs I will be shocked, though!

Ours must be true sisters! They are around 20 weeks old, right? Here is a pic of Amelia this week. I'll have to get a pic of her with one of the other pullets to show how small she is!

Yep, 20 weeks and they look just alike! My friend has the other one ( I got two) and they all are so similar. Betcha they won't lay until 30 weeks+++!!
Here's Athena. She looked like a little owl baby, so thusly named...


and her with the random Chantecler I ended up with from that batch... who has the biggest feet!!

Oooooh! Neato.

My birds are doing wonderfully, I have many, many, many pullets that are close to POL now. I cannot wait until I'm getting TONS of blue eggs everyday!

It's funny that you mention my hens brooding, I actually have another hen sitting on eggs right now. Judy is about a week into brooding W/BW Olive Eggers and English Orp eggs. She was a great mother the first time around, so I figured I'd let her at it again.

Jeremy, Do you have more in the incubator or is your broody doing it all??Do do have me on your list for Engliah Orps right??
Sophie's & Rose' eggs are due the 16th I think. I am trying out my new Suro like Cheryl's little one.
I have pure English BBS Orpingtons going into lockdown today!!!

Hopefully we'll have fat fluffy babies by Monday/Tuesday.

Karen, these eggs that are hatching are in my Brinsea, my broody only has 2 Orpy eggs underneath her.
I am excited, but patient. The older I get the more patience I find I have. I consider myself so fortunate to live the life I have that I am grateful. I was close to you yesterday visiting my husband's family in San Lorenzo.
I ordered mine from Alamo Hay and Feed. The BioFuel Oasis in Berkeley has it but they charge $2 a scoop. I thought that was a little outrageous since a $50 bag is $27 online. I don't really need the whole 50lb bag I ordered at Alamo (which should be here Tuesday) so I'd be happy to split it with you if you want. I'll pick it up and then you can come take 1/2 and we'll split the cost. I'm in the Oakland Hills.

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