Bay Area BYCers!

I'll try to get a new pic of him tomorrow. He doesn't have any of the dark lacing, but is laced with the wheaten on his chest, as well as the hackles and saddle feathers. I put him up for auction a few weeks back. He's got quite a bit more of the wheaten hackles and saddle feathers now, but here a link to the pic of him at 12 weeks. He's 17 weeks now. I'm supposed to ship him to Texas when the weather there gets cooler. I hope she still wants him.
Jeremy, if you still have Dolly, could i see a photo? I am curious about how she looks, and her egg color. My two have finally become consistent layers of very pretty mid-milk chocolate eggs. Yippee!
BTW, the two Blehm Lav Am's I had are not washed-out, but quite a lovely color, but maybe you were referring to Orps? Here is Smoky yesterday...


Thanks, Jeremy! Is he blue because of the wheaten lacing?... or mostly because it's highly unlikely to get the double recessive lavender gene in a bird that's a mix? I don't think it matters to the woman who wants him. She just wants a pretty EE roo. She has EEs and lavender orps, and for some reason, wants an EE roo.

I got some new pics this morning. It's much easier before I let them out of the pen.

I went back and found his baby pics. First one is day old, second one is a couple of weeks.
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Dawn, when I received notice from the City that I had to rehome my roosters/reduce my flock, Dolly went to live with a friend of mine who lives in Piedmont. She had asked me previously about dark egg layers but I didn't have anything that I wanted to let go, well instead of selling Dolly to someone who I had no clue where she would go or how she would be treated I decided to let her go live with Samantha. This is the most recent photo of her I have before she went to a new home.


Steff, he's a lovely. He's definitely blue, too. His chick down is a dead giveaway. He should make some pretty babies.
Jeremy, I looked at your BW Ams. There's definitely some other colors going on besides blue and wheaten in my dude, though. He must have some buff, too. He's got a lot of blonde. I hope he does make pretty babies. He's the only roo from that hatch that got a stay of execution. Everyone else had to go to freezer camp.
Dawn, when I received notice from the City that I had to rehome my roosters/reduce my flock, Dolly went to live with a friend of mine who lives in Piedmont. She had asked me previously about dark egg layers but I didn't have anything that I wanted to let go, well instead of selling Dolly to someone who I had no clue where she would go or how she would be treated I decided to let her go live with Samantha. This is the most recent photo of her I have before she went to a new home.


Pretty Girl! Sounds like she got a good home. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering how similar she looked to the two I kept, so I appreciate the photo.

Steph, pretty boy!
OK, dashing, handsome, etc...!
Regarding Roosters....It's just me, but even with my breeders I don't sell them. I usually give them away. Unless it's a show quality or from my breeder stock and I am specifically selling them as that. Even at that you have to find someone that is breeding or showing that breed and that can be work.

Now if you're just looking to get rid of them you can post them on craigslist as there are quite a lot of folks that have a lot of land and like nice roosters (and sussex roos are, at least in my experience) to help control the flock and protect the ladies. I also would put at least some price on them so that you can try to keep them from freezer camp.

I also just read on a SVchicken yahoo group post that this feed store in Morgan Hill pays $5 for roos & hens

said, is there anyone on here that is proficient at processing? Dyann and I are going to process our first chickens with lessons from someone at the ranch. I know there is info on the internet, that's my next piece of research!
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I took a class from a semi local 4H leader a few months back & it was so informative. Way different from my childhood experiences with my grand mother. I then went on an internet search. There are so many spots to look at. I ended up on YouTube for my favorite & even then there are so many choices. The scalding & plucking are no problem to me but the best way to eviscerate has escaped me so far. I am afraid to make the wrong cut......... I even ordered this great knife that does it all from Havalon knife company. It uses replacable scapel blades that lock in & it folds up. I got a street construction cone to use as a killing cone & cut off the first couple of inches off the tip. The instructor (CowgirlJules) used one upside down in a workmate. I have a turkey fryer pot & themometer & the stand with a propane tank to do the scalding in.
Sunday at Costco I was looking at a package of 2 whole body processed organic young chickens that cost $23...........These were smallyoung chickens.......Wow,.......... I have alot of loose money running around on 2 legs in my yard......LOL
Good luck with your quest for a new education. The more I learn the more I want to learn. I had an old egg customer call me last night asking advice on a egg bound hen. I honestly have not dealt with that but I referred him to the BYC forum & a searc for "egg bound hen". I hope he found his answer there.

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