Bay Area BYCers!

Make that 3 Blue babies!
I had 2 18' by 21' Evergreen carports put up end to end so it is 18' by 42' out in a pasture along the south side of the barn.. My pens are in 6' increments so I can have several different arrangements. Kinda like working with Tinker toys or a Lincoln log set....LOL. My son & I have enclosed the long outside walls with coated poultry wire & the pens will now be defined with the cyclone panels. I will no longer be feeding in the rain or hot sun. I will be completely covered up & down the middle 6'alley. What a difference that will make in the winter feeding. We still have alot of set up work to do but what fun. All the chickens will have to be moved one pen at a time since we are reusing my existing cyclone panels just in a new configuration. This will take awhile. All the water lines have to be moved over & the regulator moved etc...etc...etc.....
In the meantime Jeremy I have my first Sophie & Rose baby out today. It is hatched & moving around in the hatching cage in the incubator.There were 6 eggs that went in so I do hope for more. I have other eggs placed for later dates too.
Congratulations on your English Orp hatching. I will cross my fingers for many more.....LOL I put a dozen B/B/S English Orp eggs in today along with some Salmon Favorolles & 6 surprise Lavender Orp/Lavender Ameraucana crosses that the breeder sent as extras.
I am trying to slow down hatching..........but,.........LOL
Here's what we have so far...

The Blues.




& a Splash, the pictures do no justice in showing the sheer size of this "little one".
This chick is HUGE!




I also hatched 2 Blue Wheaten/Wheaten Olive Eggers.


Look at those cheeks!



Yes, I noticed that too. Which could be an early indicator of a lil' boy... I certainly hope not. I want a Splash Orpington hen SO, SO much!

I've decided since I started hatching again I might as well keep going for awhile...

I have more Orps going into lockdown next week from my flock, plus hopefully some more pure English Orp eggs that will result in some Black chicks in a few weeks too from another line. I'm also thinking about getting Buff Laced Brahma eggs as well as some Ameraucanas. I figured the bator is plugged in so I might as well keep it full!

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