Bay Area BYCers!

A few pictures today of my English Orpington hens that have either finished or are almost done with their molts, Elizabeth, Vivi and Thelma.



Two shots of Vivi.



Thelma, the best shot I could manage. She's just finishing her molt, her tail and cushion are still growing back in.


Look what I'm getting shipped next Monday...



I finally gave in to the urge to incubate, I even was able to convince Carlos that we "needed" Swedish Flower Hens, they'll make wonderful layers and they're beautiful. It's a win win.
I tried to find Wheaten Japanese bantams to incubate as well but none of the breeders I contacted had eggs available right now, so they'll have to wait until next Spring.

I'm setting the eggs to coincide with other folks who are doing the New Year's Day hatch, so I should have babies by the first of the year!
Pamela, I have an incubator that I would consider loaning. I had two successful hatches with it. Then, I loaned it to my DSO, and he had two abyssmal hatches. I would want to set it up and check the temps before loaning it. Plus, I would want some info on who would be handling it. I had hoped to sell it, and want to get it back in the same condition it left. If this sounds do-able, let's PM.
How exciting!!!!! Put me on the list if you are able to keep a roo and breed them! I've been drooling over them for quite some time now! :)
Heyas all, finally checking in with time to write...
Thanksgiving was nice & quiet here, went to visit sis' in SF the day after... came home Saturday to two dead pullets, of course two favorites... light buff bantam faverolles. They were out of the pen... the rest were in & gate was shut, hmmmm; unbloodied, dead on their backs in the yard with breast feathers half plucked... like a small dog might do. Our dog was shut in the house (friend was here to take him out to void...nothing dead at that time). I suspect the microdogs across the street; always loose, (animal control has had no effect) & they walk right under our gate since hubby rehung it a few months ago. I'll be adding small wire along the bottom of the gate! And calling animal control, again.

Congrats on the hatch! and Future hatches, and Swedish FLowers oh my! I thought they were Icelandics at first.

Happy Holidays to all!

And... yay for King Feed at western Farm Center in Santa Rosa! They seem to have tucked it into any empty space in the warehouse, & the guys can't always find what you want right way, so when/if you go, bring a book. Worth the wait!!!
I will be going. Haven't missed a PPBA show in 40 years. You should have no problem selling birds there, but you have to be a member of PPBA to rent a sales cage....I better check.
I lost electricity at least 5 times yesterday because of the wind, now I'm really behind.

I will be going. Haven't missed a PPBA show in 40 years. You should have no problem selling birds there, but you have to be a member of PPBA to rent a sales cage....I better check.
I lost electricity at least 5 times yesterday because of the wind, now I'm really behind.


Well, since we are a few doors down the street we lost that same power - nothing quite like homework by flashlight.....but we lost a few extra things too, 4 to 5 Eucalyptus trees...thankfully the cattle and chickens are all ok. This is the pasture directly behind the chicken pens, where the birds free range with the steers back three...Poor babies no grass for the chickens today as the other pastures aren't dog proof.



You can see the two largest ones that went down from the right side, what you cant see because I wasn't brave enough to get that close for pictures is that the hole on the left side used to have 2 smaller but good size trees that fell back rather than to the neighbors had just pulled a travel trailer back there to store last week, its completely ruined.

Loos like we're going to have a surplus of firewood soon

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