Bay Area BYCers!

Yesterday I posted about some Orps I have for sale. Well now I also have some Lavender Ameraucana's for sale as well. Someone was suppose to come last night and pick them up. I had to cancel because I had a colicing horse last night. I contacted the person this morning and they said they wouldn't be coming as the ordered chicks online last night. So, now I have these Lavs for sale too. They are 10-11 days old. My breeding stock came from Pips and Peeps (Jean Ribbeck) and Cindy Aultman. Both members of the ABC, and I am a member of the organization as well. If anyone is interested in these chicks let me know. I'd like have them go sooner than later as I need to make room for more chicks that will be hatching in early June. Again I am located in Morgan Hill/Gilroy area. Asking $10/chick. Must take a minimum of 2 or you can take all 3. PM me if interested.
Oh man! I was out in Union City on friday and could have grabbed them.

Debi!!!............Arnica Gel! Go to a heathfood store and get a tube. It works great at helping the brusing heal faster. Trust Me! I keep a tube with me all the time. Back when I bartended I got lots of guys and a few women hooked on it. Black eye? Here, just dab it on. I swear the more often it's used the faster it clears up. BTW I had the same thing happen once. I never knew how it happened either, it just showed up and felt at first like a sting.

Cheryl I hope everything went well with the work. Got any pics?

OK back to work for me, then I have to meet my daughter to pick Makayla up in Tracy and I have a hatch going on. I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Rubbing Arnica in right now so I can move again.
A few pictures from today, spring has offically sprung here in Oakland. It was gorgeous here, sunny and breezy all day. Things are blooming and growing and I'm happy.

My Partridge Orp hen, Prudence.

One of my newest Blue Orps, I'm hoping this one is a cockerel, I named him Liam.

Geranium flowers.

Platinum Sumatra

Dun Sumatra cockerel, he's a very dark Dun.

This picture is from a few weeks ago, our ducklings are MUCH bigger now. They've grown so quickly, it's unbelievable.

I have a friend here in the Bay area who is looking for Black Jersey Giant hatching eggs or POL/laying hens. Does anyone in this area breed them?
A freind of mine just lost most of his 4 month old chicks to his dog...... he has one left that he has decided he wants to get rid of. His dog is just too tenacious and he is afraid any chicks he buys will suffer the same fate. I don't have room at this time to take her. Would anyone be interested? He does not remember what breed she is. But he says she is really friendly.
A freind of mine just lost most of his 4 month old chicks to his dog...... he has one left that he has decided he wants to get rid of. His dog is just too tenacious and he is afraid any chicks he buys will suffer the same fate. I don't have room at this time to take her. Would anyone be interested? He does not remember what breed she is. But he says she is really friendly.
Oh, no! Poor babies and poor friend! I hope that someone has room for the lonely survivor!
I don't know anyone locally but my friend Wynette Adamson has some of the best in the country.
Thank you, Cheryl! I passed the into on to my friend. I forgot that Wynette raised giants, too! I absolutely LOVE the two OE's that I got from her. They are big, beautiful, and healthy! And I personally love that one lays a varied olive green egg (you never know what color it is going to be) and the other one lays a dark brown marans egg that is a 6 on the color scale. I love having variety in my egg basket!

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