Bay Area BYCers!

Laurie, I wish you the strength to get through this and hope for the best.

Hello Bay Area Folks

Found a new feed store (new for me at least) called El Sobrante Feed & Pet Supply. I purchased a 50# bag of DE there for $25.00. For those of you who use it that is a good price without having to have it shipped. They also carry quite a selection of feed for Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys and Pheasants. They carry their own in-house mix and others such as Bar Ale, Nutrena and Nature Wise Organic's. In each case Lay Pellets, Lay Crumble, Scratch, Rooster Mix, Chick Starter, Meat Producer, Multi Use Poultry Pellets and Duck Grower Pellets. They will also order a custom mix if you meet a min. amount requirement. Great folks to work with. I have been to feed stores from Petaluma to Vacaville, Napa, Vallejo and Sacramento and this is a very good feed selection for chickens. Bought my Cornish X's here when my other feed stores either did not have any available or were totally booked. If you are near them check they out...
The location is :
El Sobrante Feed & Pet Supply
501 Appian Way
El Sobrante, Ca 94803

Norm in N.CA
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Oh, Maureen!! My laptop went down when i got to FL, so haven't been checking BYC. I am thrilled to see that you had such a great hatch!! Go Joe!! (That's the daddy!!)
Does anyone need a broody hen??? I literally am up to my ears in broodies, I have run out of wire pens to try and break them all and I have run out of coops to put them in with babies. This particular broody is a purebred Wheaten Ameraucana, NOT an EE. She lays (when not brooding) a lovely blue egg. She was vaccinated against Marek's disease as a day old chick, here at my home. She's never showed any signs of illness. You could slip chicks under her with no problem I'm sure. $25 OBO. I am in Oakland.
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I keep bees, too. My colonies are doing so well that I'm sharing hives with my East Oakland neighbors. They provide the space, I do the work, we share the honey.
Debi!!!............Arnica Gel! Go to a heathfood store and get a tube. It works great at helping the brusing heal faster. Trust Me! I keep a tube with me all the time. Back when I bartended I got lots of guys and a few women hooked on it. Black eye? Here, just dab it on. I swear the more often it's used the faster it clears up. BTW I had the same thing happen once. I never knew how it happened either, it just showed up and felt at first like a sting.
Kim, Thank you so much for recommending the Arnica gel!!! I actually got the cream instead of the gel. I looked at all the choices and forgot that you recommended the gel. But the cream is amazing!!! My black eye began to fade almost immediately and now after several days of using it, the area is a light brown instead of purple black or technicolor purple/red/green. It can almost be covered up with makeup at this point! I'm about ready to quit wearing my sunglasses when I shop! I broke 3 pairs last week with the constant wearing and picked up a few pairs at the dollar store to get me through this. Thank you, again!!! My medicine cabinet will never be without this amazing stuff!
Kim, Thank you so much for recommending the Arnica gel!!! I actually got the cream instead of the gel. I looked at all the choices and forgot that you recommended the gel. But the cream is amazing!!! My black eye began to fade almost immediately and now after several days of using it, the area is a light brown instead of purple black or technicolor purple/red/green. It can almost be covered up with makeup at this point! I'm about ready to quit wearing my sunglasses when I shop! I broke 3 pairs last week with the constant wearing and picked up a few pairs at the dollar store to get me through this. Thank you, again!!! My medicine cabinet will never be without this amazing stuff!
Told you so.LOL I'm almost out of gel and down to the cream at this point. I always have at least once tube but usually a minimum of 2. After camping this weekend it was pulled out a lot for us and for other campers. My 4 yr old grand daughter had fallen on her face the day before Pow Wow and had a skinned knot on her forehead. It's almost gone. If you use it on cuts, which it says not to do, clean the area really well. The reason it says not for cuts is because it heals so fast, if you don't have the area extremely clean and have any type of infection it will heal it too fast to clear the infection, so alcohol and peroxide are what I use to clean an area first. But I knew you'd love it.

Jeremy, I was in the Bay Area yesterday and I would have grabbed that hen up in a heartbeat!
Anyone want a mutt duck mule?

Luke is a Muscovy/Rouenn? hybrid so is thus sterile but behaves like a drake otherwise and quacks very deeply. He had some girls but they were killed by a bobcat and a raccoon. We had a hard time finding things to do with duck eggs anyway so we're taking the opportunity to get out of duck keeping. Luke is fairly lonely - you can see him pine for the mallards flying around - so we'd like to find him a new home with other ducks.

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