Bay Area BYCers!

haha, I was totally backward. I get it now. You have babies hatching starting tomorrow. you need someone to watch them from Wednesday to Sunday or Monday.

I have off from Wednesday to Sunday. If you think they would be okay by themselves on Monday when I went to work, I am available. (I hope they would be good at drinking by then.)
Hi all,

I have four really nice Blue Orpington Roosters. They are only one month old, but very sweet. I would like to give them away. So....if anyone whats one, or two, PM me. I can deliver to most places in the bay area.

Well tomorrow I'm taking 2 white Silkie roos and the bantam Lt Brahma to the auction.

Maybe I'll get enough for them for a couple of layers. Then again there have been a few really nice exotics lately and maybe they'll have more.

With my luck they probably won't lay either.

Oh bother! (Winnie)
Leaving in 5 minutes.

Modesto on 7th street. It's off the Hatch Rd exit on 99 South.

There's a fleamarket/poultry auction/livestock auction and after the fleamarket they have a cattle auction.

Every monday. Livestock starts at 9 I think. Poultry at 11, but if you're early enough you can walk through the barn and look before bidding.

Not sure what time the cattle auction starts. Never have made it back for that one. Boy my neighbors would just love me if I brought a cow home. Then again I spent $3.15 a gallon last night for 2 gallons of milk. I probably should by a cow. LOL
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Finally a sane voice. Seriously you all! Remember how much time a newborn sucks up? Kelsey, I love ya and all but... I gotta agree with Bill.

After the baby is born you can get some Emus if you still want to.
Finally a sane voice. Seriously you all! Remember how much time a newborn sucks up? Kelsey, I love ya and all but... I gotta agree with Bill.

After the baby is born you can get some Emus if you still want to.

Finally a sane voice. Seriously you all! Remember how much time a newborn sucks up? Kelsey, I love ya and all but... I gotta agree with Bill.

After the baby is born you can get some Emus if you still want to.


Sorry! I guess it's the Mom in me.
how is everyone doing with this frost? Its kind of annoying here, I want to move the quail out to the hutch I built for outside but looks like they get to take up residence in the garage / workshop instead.
If anyone needs a few nice looking male coturnix let me know (free if pets or for breeding), also if anyone happens to want to sell a few coturnix girls I would be interested, I really need to do something about the ratio here.
I ClingWrapped the coop.

Seriously, the coop door was just wire. So I used bubblewrap to insulate the clingwrap to keep it on. Closed things up after the girls went to roost. Hope that's enough to keep them warm tonight...

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