Bay Area BYCers!


I found it, but it is taking a long time to download the schedule.
It'll be a few more minutes still, dial-up is slow.
I remember though, its best to go on Saturday, cuz Sunday they are mostly packing up and going home, I missed it last year.

no choice for me I have to be on a plane saturday evening so I plan to leave 7am arrive 9am out by least that's what I THINK will happen
Well, I am about 45 minutes away.
Would you like to try and meet there?

I have to get ready for work right now.
The schedule has finished downloading now, so I can look at it!
ok, lets work on the details after I get home from work today,
I've got to get ready now or I'm going to be late.

I'm going to save the schedule so I can look at it.
Checking in and wondering about expected delivery date and I am close to Jeremy so I can pick up from his location. Trying to plan when these guys will show up so that I can determine if I can start a new batch of eggs I want to have shipped to me. Brooder is really going to be busy the next couple of months.

Norm in N. CA.
I haven't received an email from John yet with an expected hatch date.

I literally have been checking my gmail every 15 minutes though, hoping there will be something in my inbox...

I will be sure to post here as soon as I have confirmation.
I was considering showing my Giant blue cochin at stockton since she decided to feather out but I don't think I have the time nor the energy to do so. Maybe next time.


anyone making a trip from paso robles to northern CA, walnut creek area, or from southern CA that would be interested in helping transport a 5 mth old rooster?

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