Bay Area BYCers!

Oh yea, what is the date of the Stockton show?
Can you post a link so I can see where and when it is,
dial-up here and searching can be a bear at times.

ah too bad I thought she may be a good source, but I'm not in-the-know on that breed...I guess that's why she's starting from scratch. I love Kathy she's awesome - getting icelandic eggs from her tomorrow!

You can not even believe that hatch I just had

I have 15 Indian rivers that will be identical in personality and look to delawares (that's what I've been told) they are so incredibly sweet chicks, only a day old. I'm happy to share them for only $5 (five) a chick. I'd like to keep them for a week to make sure all are healthy and I will be vaccinating for meraks, of course
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So jeremy I'm sure you know Kathyinmo, I understand hers are fabulous, the oldtimers on the heritage thread all recommend her line! She also is starting a new line for scratch with barred rocks over new hampshires - just in case you'd like to start up again. I love delawares, they are fabulous personalities

My one delaware "Omega" has so much personality! I think she is just getting around to laying (hatched in July)

Wish I could be at the January show ... well, next year, hopefully!

BTW, if anyone is interested in the CA State Rabbit and Cavy Show, it is February 26 and 27 in Turlock at the Fairgrounds.

Cheryl, How are your two that you named "Daphne and Clio??"
OH yeah your namesakes! Well they are the 50% english blue orps, sorry I don't have current pics, but like Jeremy's they are HUGE , did I say HUGE well I meant REALLY HUGE. They were many scuffles introducing them into the layer pen and they are tail-less at the moment, but now everyone is fine with who-is-who and they are happy. They hang together like two best friends, fun but also very interesting that the lavender orp and blue wyandotte (so similar colors) all hang together with Clio and Daphne too. I love seeing all those beauties waddle around.
OH yeah your namesakes! Well they are the 50% english blue orps, sorry I don't have current pics, but like Jeremy's they are HUGE , did I say HUGE well I meant REALLY HUGE. They were many scuffles introducing them into the layer pen and they are tail-less at the moment, but now everyone is fine with who-is-who and they are happy. They hang together like two best friends, fun but also very interesting that the lavender orp and blue wyandotte (so similar colors) all hang together with Clio and Daphne too. I love seeing all those beauties waddle around.

Thanks for the update!! Wish I had room if they ever gave you chicks! but, ........... hmmmmmmm

Our cochins and delaware are HUGE, compared to the leghorn, wynadottes and welsummer ...
So I've been doing alot of research on feed. I'd love to hear from others that mix there own or do a combination of feeds.

Ultimate goal is to provide a more complete, healthier diet to the flock. Additionally having healthier chicks and all around healthier and more gorgeous quality birds and hatching eggs.

I've consulted many many "experts" over the last few weeks and what I'm trying out right now is a combo of flock raiser for the higher protein and winners cup Pigeon Platinum and Jose Guerroero mixes. I'm trying both this week. I also plan to mist the feed with a mix of Cod Liver Oil, Red Cell, and Fortified Wheat Germ Oil (1:1:4) in a spray bottle to appartently have the birds feather out more quickly after molting, have a nice sheen to their feathers, and most importantly for me, hatchability increased.

I take my breeding very seriously and I welcome any advice in this respect.
OH yeah your namesakes! Well they are the 50% english blue orps, sorry I don't have current pics, but like Jeremy's they are HUGE , did I say HUGE well I meant REALLY HUGE. They were many scuffles introducing them into the layer pen and they are tail-less at the moment, but now everyone is fine with who-is-who and they are happy. They hang together like two best friends, fun but also very interesting that the lavender orp and blue wyandotte (so similar colors) all hang together with Clio and Daphne too. I love seeing all those beauties waddle around.

Thanks for the update!! Wish I had room if they ever gave you chicks! but, ........... hmmmmmmm

Our cochins and delaware are HUGE, compared to the leghorn, wynadottes and welsummer ...

I'm not breeding them (the blue orps) they are eye-candy in my layers pen...Jeremy is breeding them though....
Once these girls figure out what those nest boxes are for I'll let you know.

Maybe since my hatches have been so terrible, if they don't get better, I'll just load you up with eggs to hatch and you can pick me out maybe 3 pullets?

We might want to wait until they've been laying for a couple of weeks then. If I hatch out at least 6 pullets I wouldn't mind you taking 3 of them.
It would really stink though if I only hatched out 3-4 pullets.

I'm going to try some to make sure I have fertility. I figure if pullet eggs hatch that's fine, but can send you some as they get bigger. How about if you get 4 or 5 I get 1. If lower they're yours. Just want to see if you can get a good hatch out before I fill orders.

Wow I might have a car running right by the time the bunny show happens. That's only about 15 minutes from me.
Anyone interested in a 4.5 month old Rhode Island Red Rooster? Very gentle bird. Located in San Rafael. Will probably find a home for him in the next few days.


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