Bay Area BYCers!

awesome picture, your chickens get to live like chickens!
awesome picture, your chickens get to live like chickens!

Mine looked like that today, too! But, I think they're going to undermine the house with all the digging next to the foundation.
I just got home and there were two more blue eggs and a white egg from my Buff Laced Polish waiting for me in the coop! YES!!!

They will be going in the incy tonight with the other blue eggs I gathered.

A quick question, I found my Polish egg on the floor of the coop ( probably because she couldn't see to reach the nesting boxes...) it's a bit dirty, is it okay to wash the egg before incubation? What should I wash it with, warm water?

Thanks guys!
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I just plugged the incy in, a Hovabator 1588, I've got it all set up to put in some of my own eggs that I've been collecting the past few days. Well as it has been heating up I've slowly been watching the humidity rise, mind you I have added no water at this point and the humidity level is at 94%!

What's the deal??? Is there any way I can get the humidity to drop before adding the eggs tonight? I have already pulled the red vent plug with little relief from the high humidity.

Any suggestions?
woo hoo for more eggs!

It was very hot here today, 78*.
Were the temps high where you're at?
I do not know anything about incy or bator,
Yeah, it was pretty warm here today too, in the low 70s most of the day.

Usually I'm fighting my incubator to get the humidity up, not down!
Great photo, Jeremy! Is this taken w/ your cell phone?

My chickens did the same today, rolling in the dirt AND in the cooled off wood stove ashes. It was 79* when we went to pick up two fruit trees in Santa Rosa.

My June cochin and July Wellie are the holdouts in laying
... lately we've been getting almost 4 to 6 eggs/day from the other 6 pullets
Great photo, Jeremy! Is this taken w/ your cell phone?

My chickens did the same today, rolling in the dirt AND in the cooled off wood stove ashes. It was 79* when we went to pick up two fruit trees in Santa Rosa.

My June cochin and July Wellie are the holdouts in laying
... lately we've been getting almost 4 to 6 eggs/day from the other 6 pullets

Hey Daphne!

Yup, I took that picture with my cell phone, how can you tell?

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