Bay Area BYCers!

I spoke too soon about my three little ones. The tiniest one seems to be failing. He has always been the smallest and weakest but now he is just lethargic. This morning he was eating, drinking, and running around. Now he just wants to sleep or lay flat. Even when I pick him up he just huddles in my hand without struggling. I ran out and bought some polyvisol vitamins. Do I just give it to him full strength?
Well Jeremy, beings that you have this neat story, I think you should start the thread!

I agree! I don't have any harrowing stories, with happy endings anyway.

It would be nice to have a "Close calls" thread with happy endings. It's nice to just hear the uplifting stories now and then.

Debi! So sorry to hear about your little one! I sure hope he perks up! I use a chickie vitamin supplement (goes in their water) that I picked up at the feed store. I have no idea what dose of poly-vi-sol you would give to a tiny chick.
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Don't want to butt in on this ongoing thread, but it was suggested that I post here...

We will be traveling to San Francisco in mid May and I would like to bring back some fertile eggs for hatching some living souvenirs.

I am looking for Bantam birds... Ameraucanas and Welsummers if possible... but am open to any interesting suggestions.

Anyone going to have available eggs at that time? Pictures of your birds would be great but not an absolute prerequisite... description would do.

This will also be an experiment in traveling on airplanes with fertile eggs.

We are very much looking forward to this trip... it will be my first time to Ca.


ps: We can discuss details on PM.

Loved those photos; the relaxing one should be submitted to the 2012 BYC Calendar!

Your creek episode/story had me laughing but also scared as you described each step/turn you took. Glad it all turned out safe at the end.

Thanks for yesterday!
just got home from a day in Santa Rosa. found only 2 blue eggs under my broody. (2 brown ones, too, but those are from my birds.) not sure what happened to the third egg, but am guessing that a rat or something got in and took it.

so, I have 3 birds acting broody, but only 2 eggs between them. guess I should give them more eggs, but not til I make the coop more secure from the egg thief. these are the eggs from Bubba, the John Blehm roo I raised last summer X EE. I really hope some of them make it.
Jeremy, you have GOT to open that thread on Close Calls! WOW.

Last year I saved one of my hens and posted the whole thing; I'd be glad to resurrect that post and share the tale again. I was pretty proud of myself. Of course, I didn't risk MY OWN LIFE in a rushing, flooded creek, but .....
Hi Steph,

Did you zig zag by Western Farm also?

I had three eggs disappear from my broody cochin ... coop is very secure at night, no cats, etc. during the day ... I haven't figured that out yet, unless she ate them, which is possible. No shell, nothing ... she is now sitting on 9 eggs, the last time I looked ...

Vacation this week for you?

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