Bay Area BYCers!

They're so cute! And they still have their little egg teeth
Thanks for posting the pics, Jeremy! AND for hatching our babies! We are so excited about bringing them home today! I just hope the hooligans in the brooder don't run them over. I'm thinking of putting something in the brooder that only they fit under so they have a hidey hole that the bigger chicks won't fit in. I sure wish that I had one of those Brinsea brooder heater things.
Quote by George Carlin

Here's another question I have. How come when it's us, it's an "abortion," and when it's a chicken, it's an "omlette?" Are we so much better than chickens all of a sudden? When did this happen that we pass chickens in goodness? Name six ways we're better than chickens.
See nobody can do it! You know why? Because chickens are decent people! You don't see chickens running around in drug gangs, do you? No, you don't see a chicken strapping some guy to a chair and hooking up his nuts to a car battery do you? When's the last chicken you heard about came home from work and beat the poop out of his hen? Doesn't happen. Because chickens are decent people!
Amazing moved the breeding flocks over, check out the awesome space that Steff and Tim built... + another almost identical one for the baby roosters - tons of work securing the place with wire...




Oh Cheryl I'm so happy that this is working out for you and I hope you find YOUR dream property, so you can enjoy all of your birds whenever you walk out your door.

Awesome job on the barn guys!
the bad news...The CCC sanitary district came to us with an offer to settle for $78k when the contractor bid was for $96k and now they are saying it's our fault for not having a back-flow-device (which wasn't code when the house was built) So now we have to hire an attorney for sure, I've contacted channel 7, Michael Finney on your side. We can't afford an attorney, feeling horribly depressed, it will be over a year before we probably can live back home

Was able to spend sometime with my layers today, I love them so, they bring me such joy!
As you know I also have to reduce my flock so I'm offering some of my layers $35 each - I won't sell singles only pairs or 3 at a time as they are all buddies

11 1/2 months old

Julia the lavender orp
Dottie the silver laced wyandotte

14 months old

Flo the blue wyandotte
Beatrice the gold laced wyandotte
Lizzie the buff orpington
Wait, they're saying the flood was caused by not having a backflow device? I work on those professionally, and sorry, that's not how they work. They'll let all the water INTO the property that you want; they just prevent water from getting back out through the pipes into the public water system. PM me if your lawyer isn't familiar with how they work or wants more information on them.

Also, I'll have to look up the exact dates, but the state hasn't mandated retrofitting older installations with them for a number of years yet. 2025, I think, off the top of my head. New commercial properties are supposed to be, and residential may still be required by the local codes to be retrofitted; I don't know about your district.

On a completely other subject, does anyone know of a plucker in Central California for beg, borrow, or rent for a 4-H class? I was going to have them hand pluck too, but we're gearing up to have quite a lot of birds to process.

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