Bay Area BYCers!

I'm so food allergy test results just came back and I am allergic to chicken eggs. I'm shifting between stunned and outrage.
Cow's milk made the list too, along with wheat, which I expected. But by far and away the most reactive was eggs.
I have a pip!
Locked down the eggs on Friday (23) was only sure I saw movement in 9. Spent yesterday looking in there every hour or so and wondering if I was actually imagining things in quiet moments when I heard peeps. Thought maybe I was confusing it with the birds outside since I was seeing NO change in the box... but this morning there is a definite pip in one of the green eggs (never could see into those) and a crack in a white egg that was not there before!
I've only gotten to point it out to one of the kiddos so far (not mine) and I'm more excited than he is, lol!
My FBCMs hatched a day later than my Ameraucanas and my EEs. One hatched a day and a half later. Also they don't like temp fluctuations at this stage so I just left the other babies in the incubator over night while I was waiting for my FBCMs to make an appearance. Out of 8 eggs that made it to lockdown I had 8 hatch. All are already sold though and it will be a few weeks before I hatch any more. Right now I have ameraucanas in the bator. Have easter orders to fill.

Congrats Truevalentine!!! How exciting!
I just had the tests yesterday but I had no surprises. Everything I thought I was allergic to was there. OMG the first 5 minutes after applying the serums I thought I was going to lose it! I would have paid a fortune for a back scratcher!!!

I had allergy shots about 25 years sgo and they worked great but they do wear off after awhile so I'm getting ready to do it all over again. Can they give you shots to combat the egg allergies? Are you allergic to all eggs or can you have duck or emu eggs instead? Duck eggs are fantastic in baked goods. Much better even, for many things IMO. I suspect that it's all eggs though. Man that stinks!!! You poor thing.
That's a bummer! I had some allergy testing done recently but not on foods. I had a bad case of contact dermatitis so they tested for 30 of the most common allergens. I reacted to 3 different things and one of them is a component used in clothing manufacturing. Since I work in a retail children's clothing store, I'm assuming that I am allergic to the chemicals in the clothes. I now wear long white cotton gloves and neoprene gloves when I handle new merchandise. I look very stylish!
I did have a few people ask if I was allergic to chickens or eggs but I was not ready to consider that possibility.
Hello, and welcome.
I'm in Oakland, but I drive through your neck of the woods on my work commute.
Good luck with your birds.

And, to everyone else...

I'm looking to adopt 3 or 4 more hens soon, and thought I'd check here first. They need to be at or close to laying age (I lost my brooder space, so no chicks, sadly), and I would absolutely LOVE to get a couple of dark or blue/green layers.
Hello, and welcome.
I'm in Oakland, but I drive through your neck of the woods on my work commute.
Good luck with your birds.

And, to everyone else...

I'm looking to adopt 3 or 4 more hens soon, and thought I'd check here first. They need to be at or close to laying age (I lost my brooder space, so no chicks, sadly), and I would absolutely LOVE to get a couple of dark or blue/green layers.

I have 3 gorgeous wyandottes for sale, a blue, gold laced and silver laced all about a year old laying like crazy!
Hi Caitlin. I need to thin my flock a little and I do have blue/green egg layers. I have a black ameraucana hen that lays a pretty blue egg that needs a home. She has a clean face so I can't use her in my breeding program plus I have a couple of EEs that could be rehomed. They are great layers but I have to pare down and they aren't part of my breeding program either. I have a cuckoo marans girl that lays a nice dark egg, that is slightly freckled, that you could have. All of these girls are laying and are a year old now. All but one are very mellow, easy going birds. The black ameraucana girl is a little flighty. She's afraid of people but will come running when treats are being offered. PM me if you are interested.

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So, my two Silver Ameraucanas are 4 weeks old now. What am I looking for to tell whether they are boys or girls? And our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Lemon Drop is 3 weeks old, right, Jeremy? I'm watching for dark colors on his/her back and chest, is that right? Does rate of feathering mean anything in determining sex? I would love to see some pics of Silver AM and Blue Wheaten AMs at 3-5 weeks of age. I have been searching the old posts for pics but it's a time consuming project. The Ameraucana forum has so many posts!
Silvers are easy. The roos are going to turn black with really pretty silver lacing and the pullets are more of a tawny brown with silver and black . Really pretty pullets, but not the striking silver like the roos. The combs on the roos will start to get bigger while the pullets take a little longer .

Put some pics up and we can tell you right away.

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