Bay Area BYCers!

How's Sir Giles?? Hope the infection is just in that area and not spreading .. Baytril will help .. maybe also some warm compresses??

Found two fresh dropped eggs on the decking cement this a.m., slightly cracked - boiled them up to give to the girls tomorrow ... we think it's from Julia and Lizzie .. we need to re-do those nest boxes, etc.

Glad that you're OK after yesterday's " flops meet door incident"
Oh what bad bad girls - they no better than to lay on the cement or for that matter anywhere, except the nest boxes!!

Sir Giles report...I gave him Baytril yesterday so we will see how quickly he improves. Im sure he will be fine, I'm optimistic about it!! Found a wonderful home for he and three of his girls once the infection clears up!! I've got coronation sussex (his babies) in the incubator, if someone is interested

I took two of the coronation sussex and added them into my layer pretty and plump they are!

Found a breeding partner, to be announced later, for the buff laced brahmas....I'm so relieved I can still be apart of these amazing birds! BIG CHALLENGE I need to figure out how to move a HEAVY 4' x 6' coop to their new home....ANY IDEAS really need to figure this out, as Im hoping to move them to their new home tomorrow??

Norm took two of my wyandottes for his layers. So all in all things are starting to shape up at The Omelet Ranch.

Chose and hired an attorney yesterday. Have the daunting job of coming up with every single loss, expense etc and documenting it. It's all in a pile...but now needs to be organized. Writing a letter to respond to their offer hopefully will resolve it. Choice is not to drag it on in court, will end up costing us as more in energy and money than it's worth.

Still needing eggs for my friend, please PM if you have hatching eggs I can set mid next week!

Surprise birthday party at the beach house for my Dad on Easter - he just turned 80!

Love you guys, thanks so much for pushing me through the dark times. I'm much happier today just knowing the good fate of my chickens
Thanks! I knew I had read something about a cup before, but couldn't remember exactly what and there are SO many pages in this thread now it would take me a few days to go through them all. Tried to do a little splint with a hairtie yesterday like I read about in another thread, but it kept coming right off, so I tried the bandaid thing yesterday afternoon... not seeing much change with that. HAve a cousin whose husband has raised show chickens for longer than I can remember tell me on FB yesterday to pop the neck and put it in the garbage cause there's no fix and I was like NO WAY, I'm not raising showbirds here and I HAVE read of fixes to try!

YES! Most of them were from your eggs :). The first to hatch was from one of the green eggs, which I never could see through. Both green eggs hatched, I think two pink ones (who are brown chicks and some of the few I can distinguish) and several of the white ones. Also a banty and a couple of the brown eggs from pnp4kidz hatched. Most of the chicks are black with white or yellow on their tummies, can't really tell them apart, no movement from the brown egg, but after reading how much trouble you've had with them I wasn't surprised. Giving the remaining eggs until Easter just in case. I had talked about giving up today, but my mom was like NO WAY you said you'd give them till Easter!

BTW, a little funny... more than one person I know has said "I thought chicks were supposed to be yellow" they really thought that was the only color new chicks were and that the color changes in the big feathers come later
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move a HEAVY 4' x 6' coop to their new home....ANY IDEAS really need to figure this out, as Im hoping to move them to their new home tomorrow??

We don't have a truck, so I can't help out in moving, but can the coop be taken apart/unscrewed?? If you do take it apart, can you put it back together with screws, not nails?

Happy Birthday to your dad from all of us Bay Area BYCers!
Well unfortunately the situation with the breeding partner for the buff laced brahmas didn't work out, not enough room.
sad, really sad

is there anyone else that would consider being a breeding partner with me on them? I'm not looking for any money as the initial investment was my own. Just want someone that loves the breed/variety and interested in doing a FUN project.

Please PM me ASAP if you know of someone...otherwise I'll be forced to put them up for auction on Monday... There are two trios!! Gorgeous


Thanks so much
Cheryl, you can't house them at your friend's barn in Clayton?

Especially now since you're selling the Coronation Sussex flock?

I thought you were going to be able to hold on to your breeders by utilizing the barn space, what happened?
It's turned out to be really tough on me, trekking out there has become really hard. But really the biggest problem is I don't have a long term plan of being able to keep them, since we wont be moving anytime soon and I really dont want them living in a barn for a long period of time...I want them to be chickens!!
Oh, bummer.

But you're right, they would probably be much happier in a place that's better suited for chickens! Somewhere they can scratch and free range. The BL Brahmas are gorgeous, too bad I don't have more room...

You should contact Luke. He has a lot of room down in Santa Cruz at his place and he would probably love to help you continue breeding.
Yesterday is finally over.

Horrible day and nothing I did turned out right.

It was the one year mark of losing my mom and the point where it started where I lost her, my dad and Bill.

I did go pick out my new stud bunny. OK I couldn't decide so I bought two. I hate that they changed the standard though and the bottom frill isn;t here now. They were much cooler with the smooth back, fuzzy head and frill. Guess no one was good enough at breeding them that way, so they changed it. Bummer. The breeder is a really nice lady. They met me on their way to Yosemite and Kayla got to meet one of their horses. I mentioned coming home to watch my hatch and she was happy to find out I have FBCMs and asked if I'd sell some for 4H. So I'm finally finding buyers and all in the same day.

So now I have a tort and a black to add to my colors and my tort will also throw blues and chocolates. My mom would have liked them. I'll see if I can get my camera phone to work again tomorrow. It worked for a few picks today. I was fastening wire to some PVC and the birds kept trying to get to our milk shakes. Well I heard someone gurgle and paniced and then looked over to see about 10 birds with pink faces. They got to Makayla's and had strawberry shake all the way up to the front of their combs. Then they came towards me to do their shaking off. That was fun. And sticky! They sneezed out shake for an hour or more.

I have 4 chicks out of the 18 eggs I locked down. I tossed 4 since I could see they were clear. Can't see through those BCM eggs, but I had the humidity up too high this time, so who nows what they other 9 will do. I have one half in the shell that I ended up having to help out, but taking my time.

Cheryl I got two cracked eggs also and yeah there were on concrete. LOL I had them out front a few hours in the portable and I sat them on the porch while I worked on some things in the yard. Didn't want to scare them while I hacked at stuff. Ziggy nagged me for it.

While I was out front a guy came up and asked if I wanted to buy some eggs, then he saw my trio. I asked if he wanted to buy some chicks and showed him my BCM x Games and then all the colors of eggs I have. He said he has 70,000 chickens and sells organic eggs. We talked a while and he may come back and get some. Hope he decides to get them.

OK back to staring at the bator.


The brown chicks! Are they like a chocolate brown? I got one of those earlier this week and I want to keep it! It's so pretty and if it feathers out as pretty as the down is I want this one.
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yes, they are like a chocolate brown, really pretty. I've taken group pics, but haven't done a proper photo shoot yet, need to do that, then figure out how to post some pics

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