Bay Area BYCers!

Yay Debi!

How is the egg color?
Hey guys.... I don't know if I ever annouced over here that Luke was born? It's been 4 months now, and I was just thinking about the talk I had with Sunny at the Chickenstock we hosted, and how she told me to just relax, and I will eventually conceive.... And she was right
. And that got me thinking.... Did I ever anounce on they Bay Area board? Anyway... Here is my little guy Luke Van Eck Born May 13th 2011.

I had a feeling you'd get eggs soon when your girls could breath. LOL

hmmmm wonder if those eggs are fertile!

LD is a little wanna be macho dude. My hens just walk by him now as if to say "hahahaha" and then turn and walk away. One chased him in the first couple of fance steps. He's safe where he is now. LOL


I've been waiting for pics for so long!!!!!

OMG he's gorgeous! What a cutie!

Anna, what can I say? I'm so sorry about your Willow. I wish she had done better.

I still don't have Edward on his feet. One just slips out from under when he tries to walk. He's always in a flat pen with nothing to fall off of, so I'm not sure what's going on. I got a lot of birds before Bill died that were probably older than I gave them credit for, so I may lose him too, but I hope not. He's only in with one little bantam ???? hen. Never have found out what she is, so no bigger birds to hurt him.

Nothing seems broken so IDK.
Awww, he's adorable Kelsey. Sunny's a good friend of mine. Smart Lady that one is.

You should post that picture on the Nevada thread or the California, whole state thread. That's where she hangs out mostly. She'd love to see a pic of that cute little guy. She's a sucker for kids.
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Thanks Guys, I'm pretty in love with my little Dude..... Ok... TOTALLY IN LOVE!
Kim You shoulda messaged me... Due to a very traumatic birth, that cause some post partum depression, I was down and out for a few weeks, but after that, life has been icing on the cake!
OK so Cheryl just left my house and she dropped off the cutest babies ever, our buff laced brahmas, she was running a little late, and now we don't seem to be able to tear ourselves away from our chicks, we will be wandering around the show soon, but are passing on brunch this time. I know we will recognize faces from Dawns BBQ this summer, and hope to meet some new ones at the show too.

Here is a a couple pictures to offer up as my apology for not making brunch!

My daughter Jordan happy to have chicks in the house again....

The new babies in their brooder...Jordan's old port-o-crib...

They are a only a small handful




And I cant seem to post any chicken pictures without showing off my boy Kokopelli here is his version of stink eye....

And lastly Soren gets jealous if you pay attention to Koko and not him so...
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