Bay Area BYCers!

Hey Cheryl!!!! 6 of the 7 Coronation Sussex eggs are developing!!!! The other developed a blood ring, but Woooo Whooo, 6 Developing!

YAHH!!!!!! I swear I'm sick of this new format, I'm only sporadically getting notifications of updates in my subscribed threads...very frustrating. Kelsey I'm so excited for you, that should be a great hatch then. I assume then that the blue cochin didn't go back to being broody...good girl!
Hi Cheryl,

I have the same problem with notifications. This is actually a new site with new a host and new software. The programmers appear to have tried to make this new site work like the old one, but there are still quit a few glitches. Last week I alerted NiftyChicken to a problem with the LORE Database.

The old system did a better job of "knowing" when we visited a Forum Thread. The new system seems to get confused about this. We are supposed to get one email after a thread that we have not visited has been updated. My guess is that the new server software is getting confused with the persistent logon feature and thinks it has sent that one email. Two work arounds are: Don't use persistent logon. Remove the check in the box that says remember me and logon to the site each time you visit it. The other work around is to click on your subscriptions link at the top right of the page and then click on the forums you are subscribed to. I also keep the forums open in Firefox and have save tabs enabled, so each day all of the forums open up in a tab. I then refresh the pages every once in a while to see if there is a new post. Oh I guess that is three workarounds

I hope this helps!


YAHH!!!!!! I swear I'm sick of this new format, I'm only sporadically getting notifications of updates in my subscribed threads...very frustrating. Kelsey I'm so excited for you, that should be a great hatch then. I assume then that the blue cochin didn't go back to being broody...good girl!
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Can't wait to see what you have. Maybe you should bring that roo out to meet my hens. LOL

Kim, once I've hatched the colors I want from this trio I'll probably be selling him, it's just too risky to keep a rooster here in the city right now. I'm probably being a bit stupid keeping him here at home but I just couldn't miss the opportunity to get started with this project using this guy. I can let you know when I'm ready to rehome him?
Looking forward to reinforcing my coop, looking to get a trap maybe too.

I just ordered:

1 Barred Plymouth Rock
2 White Plymouth Rock (I want to name one Camilla after Gonzo's chicken.)
2 Australorp
2 Silver Laced Wyandotte
2 Easter Egger
1 Silver Cuckoo Marans
2 Blue Andalusian (Hope at least one is true blue.)

Sounds like a great assortment, where did you order from?
Any BYCers living in San Francisco? I'm trying to find a good feed store in the city. I don't have a car so it must be in SF. Anyone know of other good resources for the urban chicken farmer?

Thanks guys

I don't know if there are any feed stores in the city of San Francisco... I could be wrong. There might be some south of the city, maybe further down the peninsula.

There's Mike's in San Leandro, Vista Madera Feed in Oakland, Concord Feed in Concord, Close Feed in Hayward. I've never heard of any over your way though.

Maybe you could organize a feed pick up day with some other folks in SF? Everyone might be able to pitch in for a Zip Car and make the trek across the Bay once a month to pick up feed?

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